Daishain, a few questions for you. Your description made me think the rune circle was deactivated but maybe not fully destroyed since the godslayer was not done destroying it? Could/should I perhaps roll arcana to see if Velon thinks it could still be used?
Has Velon heard the godslayer a speak? Alternatively could I roll something to discern their intelligence level and whether this one would be worth questioning?
Lastly, would tying the beast up seem like a viable option, or is it just too big and strong?
I do not believe it will be alive to talk. With everyone attacking it while it is paralyzed I do believe the damage will be enough to kill it. It was a idea Velon but one that will be wasted. Hopefully one of or magic wielders can figure out how to get the runes active again and follow the mask.
You guys probably won't kill it this round, the bugger is quite tough. Whether or not it passes its will save after you're done whanging on it in Round 2 will determine whether or not it is still paralyzed for an easy kill or slightly easier capture in round 3.
You suspect that a capture might be possible if it is not paralyzed, but the attempt would be extremely dangerous, especially with the group low on resources as things stand.
Based on your earlier roll, you recall that all of the Spawn of Tiamat (The category to which Godslayers belong, along with the Stalker you killed a few months ago), have at least rudimentary intelligence, enough to understand language and follow complex instructions. Not all of them can speak however, and you don't recall whether or not these guys can.
Anyone can feel free to roll Arcana to guess at whether or not the rune circle is still usable, but there will be no way to be sure until you get a chance to examine it without weapons being slung all over the place. Edited: daishain on 9th Oct, 2017 - 1:54pm
Capture would make the most sense if we can, given the state of our magical resources and hit points. It must know where she went. EIther that or we check out the bronze thing upstairs and see if she went to that place in the swamp.
Capturing it is extremely dangerous. Who knows if ropes will hold it if we get it tied up. Then it is no easy task tying up a creature that big before he passes a save.
All it takes is one good round for it and it could kill any of our characters at this point. It did 29 to Poljen earlier which would have been 58 to anyone else. There is no coming back from an instant death hit which we would be in "Grave" danger of. We don't have the means to resurrect a dead character right now. Besides, I have faith that our cook can figure a way out to follow Rezmir *wink*. Edited: Kyrroeth on 9th Oct, 2017 - 2:30pm
Yes I think we should kill it and not allow it the chance to do any more serious harm to any of us. We can figure out where to go after it is removed. Not having this creature come after us as we follow the mask could be a very good thing and wasting time trying to tie it up and then have to kill it slows us down when we do not really have the time to be slowed down. Just my thought on this.
I agree, we should probably kill it and then call it a night. Get our characters rested up, healed up, and then off to figure out how to get that mask.