I think we can get him conscious again but he won't be more than a target if he goes back into battle. The three of us will have to provide ranged support at this point. Hopefully, our front line can get this guy down sooner rather than later.
Poppo will need to examine the circle to be sure, but it looks to him like the godslayer disrupted the formative runes, but not the shaping. (In more modern terms, he cut the main power line, but didn't touch the circuitry.)
If so, restoring the circle to full function should be within his abilities, given time to work, and assuming no further damage to the circle is sustained. Edited: daishain on 9th Oct, 2017 - 6:49pm
You and me both Velon. I'm confident that I have rolled many more 1's than 20's. I get excited at a 20. When Paul and Ninja roll a nat 20 they yawn and think" Oh. I got another one." If our game comes down to us making one roll to survive one of those two will be rolling *wink*. Edited: Kyrroeth on 10th Oct, 2017 - 11:52am
I don't know that I have rolled more 20s than 1s, but I am sure that most of my 1s at this site have been non-combat rolls, and most of my 20s have been combat-related. In fact, I seem to recall a stretch where I rolled a bunch of 1s for non-combat stuff. Again, for this game and the previous one that no longer runs have been about the same. In Abnninja's game I haven't had to roll much at all.