Hmm, how much strength do you think Zarra will need to gain or which feat that could possibly help? Honestly not sure, for 5e especially.
I always went that you had to have a strength of at least 14 to draw a long bow but I am not the Dungeon Master you will have to ask Daishain as to what he thinks. I know the Long bow is a harder bow to pull and the average person can not pull it. Its increased distance and power is what sets it apart.
5E has no strength requirement for longbows listed anywhere.
There probably ought to be, those things really do require muscle to work, but I'm not going to limit you here, especially since you do meet 3.5e's minimum of 10 strength. Have fun with the thing.
Only remaining concern is proficiency, but the bracers of archery take care of that bit.
Edited: daishain on 18th Oct, 2017 - 3:13am
So Lawrance can copy spells (Or at least look through them) here's Poppo's and the 'swamp mage's' spellbooks
Poppo's Spellbook
Cantrips(4): Acid Splash, Fire Bolt, Light, Prestidigitation
1st (4): Burning Hands, Chromatic Orb, Detect Magic (R/C), Disguise Self, Find Familiar ®, Fog Cloud ©, Grease, Identify ®, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Witch Bolt ©
2nd (3): Aganazzar's Scorcher, Invisibility ©, Knock, Melf's Acid Arrow, Misty Step
3rd (3): Counterspell, Dispel Magic, Fireball, Leomund's Tiny Hut ®, Lightning Bolt, Protection from Energy ©, Sending
4th (1): Dimension Door, Greater Invisibility
Swamp Mage Spellbook
L1 - Catapult, Charm Person, Ice Knife
L2 - Flaming Sphere, Locate Object, Magic Mouth, Web
L3 - Nondetection, Sleet Storm.
Reciprocating. The copying would have to wait, as my character spent almost all his cash on copying during creation! :D
Level 1 (4) : *Absorb Elements, Alarm, *Burning Hands, Comprehend Languages, Detect Magic,Feather Fall, Find Familiar, Identify, *Mage Armour, *Magic Missile, Tenser's Floating Disk, Unseen Servant,*Witch Bolt
Level 2 (3): *Hold Person, Levitate, Magic Mouth, *Phantasmal Force, *Scorching Ray
Level 3 (3): Glyph of Warding, Haste, Leomund's Tiny Hut, *Lightning Bolt, Magic Circle, *Mirror Image, Phantom Steed, *Protection from Energy, Water Breathing
Level 4 (1): *Conjure Minor Elementals, Fire Shield
Poppo can certainly cast or memorize any that are listed.
Since it seems the situation still isn't clear, the two dragons ruling over the swamp do not occupy or claim Castle Naerytar, their lair is elsewhere. The lizardfolk have been living in that castle for generations, and occasionally making an offering to those two kings in order to be left alone. They should be fine.
The reason a distraction was needed is that otherwise said dragons are likely to notice a heavily armed group that doesn't belong in "Their" land. They'd investigate, and while they're not particularly loyal to Tiamat and her cult, they still wouldn't like your honest answer to what you're up to here, and for that matter would be very difficult to lie to.
That, and they'd probably kill Velon on sheer principle, along with the rest of you if you didn't give up all the good stuff you carried.
Yeah, but with many of the lizardfolk still looking to go after our party, even with Snapjaw there, Lia and an ailing Jack and Fay, would be a very tempting target. I think the wise move is for them to stick to the pathways and roads. Besides, the sickness comes from the swamp, right? Going back can't help them recover any faster…