I know what you mean. It was really confusing when I had to post for both characters together. It's hard fo switch from Lia's personality to another. I've played her so long that I knew without thinking about it how she would respond to things. Lorairies is much different right now. If nothing else hopefully she will be entertaining. It's a nice break to play a character that isn't serious and focused most of the time.
Christian, don't forget about Poppo's bag of tricks. I noticed that he has had one from the beginning but never used it. Just wanted to remind you if you had forgotten about it. It's always fun to throw random things at enemies *wink*. Edited: Kyrroeth on 21st Oct, 2017 - 2:54pm
Daishain, sorry if I missed it, but is there a spot just outside of town that would be easiest for the main group to approach, perhaps nearest that stable? A stand of trees that runs closest to town or something of the sort, perhaps?
Also forgot to ask in character, but do Lorairies or Zarra have any way of contacting the group from afar? This group really needs a pair of sending stones of some sort for these missions!
Lorairies has the sending spell but unfortunately it isn't prepared currently. She will prepare it in the future. I would still rather have sending stones. We are a low enough level that I hate using a 3rd level spell for one brief message back and forth. I'm saving those for her big healing spell. Edited: Kyrroeth on 22nd Oct, 2017 - 1:10am
How about any barns or other buildings on the edge of town that might not have too many people in them after dark?
I'm picturing the opposite of the day Velon first met Poljen and the gang in Greenest with the prisoners crawling through a hole in the back wall.