My apologies for the two-hour wait or so, I'm going to be making reply right now while I have time. Hopefully I didn't screw anything else by my sudden departure.
The reason why I did not post for 2 hours is because I was working, and that's unavailable. That's the reason for my sudden disappearance, not because I was waiting for someone else to post.
I love how Velon went raising down there to quickly take the guard out and almost stabbed him self. These rolls need to improve asap *wink*
I have a feeling that we all had better get in the room with Rezimir asap as well. I'm sure that she is probably calling for help and the entire flying castle garrison is about to arrive. If we are in there with her if nothing else we can try to teleport out with her. If someone ends up with an army between them and the rest of us....
Though it may not work, if we could possibly have some of the party grab hold of her and we could try teleport her out of there with the rest of us along for the ride. Admittedly, there might be some issues with making sure everyone is all together when that scroll is set off so no one is left behind. Edited: Thomaslee on 13th Nov, 2017 - 11:03pm
Good idea, but Teleport, along with most spells that move people around, requires that subjects be willing. Rezmir would be left behind if you attempted this maneuver.
Now, an unconscious subject is automatically considered a willing subject, but getting her to lay down and nap right now is not an easy prospect.