Thomas, you forgot your save bonus. She gets a plus 6 to Dexterity saves so she passed the second test.
This room is a perfect place for Rezmir to use her full breath weapon to take all of us out. I remember what happened the last time she used it on Jack and Poljen. :(. Edited: Kyrroeth on 15th Nov, 2017 - 11:30pm
Daishain, I was looking at my rolls with satisfaction when a thought occurred to me, and since I don't have rules with me here at work maybe you can answer it for me. Poljen just did a total of 37 points (I think… maybe 36). If Rezmir needed to make a Concentration Check, would it be against the total of both attacks, or one roll for each strike? My guess is right now she does not have a Concentration spell up, but for future reference…