From what I have been given to understand, we have completed a 1 hour short rest, healed up quite a bit and such while Cratol has been sneaking around and clearing out the inconsequential. Are we then remaining for the identifies at two items per 10 minutes, or what? How many items need to be examined?
My only issue on clearing out the top level is the empty room that was occupied. Someone may be coming back to go back to bed. The fact that they are on the top level means they are could be someone important or powerful. He will take a closer look in that room.
Screwed up my short rest rolls so I will redo them here with the correct number of dice and bonus.
Out of Character: : 4d6 +1 for each. UPDATE: Seems that the dice did not roll and I missed the window. Daishain do you want to roll the recovery or do you want me to do another post? Edited: ChristianD on 23rd Nov, 2017 - 8:18pm
Want a laugh? I was looking up variations of the Tiny Hut spell and in d20 it is actually a full sphere, so it projects/protects below as well as above. Not in 5e, but can you imagine? We put up this dome to protect us, and down below in someones room, the other half pokes through! Also, ruling is that, as a hemisphere, it has a flat force barrier floor with the same properties. Oops. :D. Edited: Gknightbc on 23rd Nov, 2017 - 7:55pm
A player I was once with a while back once had a Dungeon Master who made the mistake of ruling that not only did the 3.5e Tiny Hut go through the ground and whatever else it intersected, it would actually slice through the same. Not a problem on the ground, as everything's still supported, but potentially can cause a building's floor to collapse.
Of course, his players immediately started using this offensively, slicing through doors, traps, and the head of an Aboleth that was supposed to be a tough boss fight.