This may be a stretch, but perhaps a readied action to drop and teleport on the condition that the elementals have aimed their attack at another? (Basically delaying the action to the end of the round) I'm not sure if that works since it involves movement and casting, etc.
Velon's going to take the chance, so perhaps that further distracts them from attacking Zarra, depending on initiative order (I never look back and write down the order after all have rolled. Maybe I should.)
Zarra attacking at range until another opens the door is also fine, totally up to the player of course, as keeping the mask safe is her primary charge at the moment and entering the room first/alone may risk that. Going in with Velon and Lora is much safer, of course, so all options seem viable.
PS I chose to use Dodge as Velon's action since Misty is a Bonus Action. Hopefully that helps keep those big elemental punches away.
Edited: Cinder on 30th Nov, 2017 - 4:37pm
Okay, then. Lets go with that, and I will go with such a path for Zarra and see if the wizard can be taken out quickly. Perhaps it is Eilistraee who brings inspiration to her child's casting to allow such magic.
Her going in with Velon and Lora is fine.
Edited: Thomaslee on 30th Nov, 2017 - 4:46pm
I have a feeling that someone is about to go down. There are so many good targets for the elementals not to mention the expected fireball in the face.
I'm beginning to think that Paul has made some deal with the devil. Those Crits keep coming *wink*.
I should have just picked the lock. In my mind the elementals were backed up against the door not giving room to do so. She has used up her get out of jail card until she gets a long rest. :(.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 30th Nov, 2017 - 7:50pm
*Evil maniacal laughter ensues from behind the Dungeon Master screen.*
You guys should be okay, at least until Poljen's lucky streak ends, he's been dishing out damage like no one's business.
Heck Cratol did better this round than he has been too.
Part of me (And Poljen too!) never wants this battle to end! I have never had a streak like this before… this is the 6th round, with two attacks each round, and two rolls per attack. I have six critical hits… this is unbelievable! But I also realized I rolled the wrong dice for damage… will roll that here as well…
Edited: PaulNelson on 1st Dec, 2017 - 3:37am
In response to Tazskan's query, anything more than light armor takes several minutes to don. Also, no one here is wearing full plate armor, the heaviest on hand would be two suits of chain mail. The other two were wearing breastplates.
Edited: daishain on 1st Dec, 2017 - 12:02pm
I've never seen a streak like you are having Paul. I'm worried that Poljen will roll badly on a will save and turn on us with critical hit after critical hit. He would hack the party up rolling like that. A price has to be paid for a streak as good as the one you are on. . If you were in Vegas they would be escorting out of the casino about now after accusing you of cheating *wink*.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 1st Dec, 2017 - 12:43pm