Daishain is probably pondering this hard right now. Could be "Yeah, you're just dead, I'm not even going to narrate it, you get wrecked hard". Could be "They're so dead but I'll make it seem like a fight". Could be "How do I nerf these guys so they have some chance of winning this fight?" Our poor Dungeon Master. The things we put him through! ;).
Yes, we are really making Daishain work. Lora is overconfident and thinks that they can take anything. With Poljen we have a chance. It will take time to kill him which could give time for more help to arrive at least. Lora will heal him good once which will help as well.
Yeah Poljen now has a sword with a gem for +1d6 lightning damage and a two handed axe that does +1d6 cold damage? Not bad. Maybe he can have the lightning gem moved to the axe to get both benefits at once!
(On a related note, there are probably several items we should make sure are accounted for and are given to someone who can use them next time the characters have a break. We'll lose track of them quickly otherwise. Not quite sure who has the Ring and Amulet found from Rezmir, for instance, not that they'd be attuned to them anyhow. Just hoping the party makes good use of everything they find to raise our collective power.).
Our dice rolls need to improve immediately. Those were terrible rolls KN. Not as bad as my first round though. Come on Paul! We need some crits now.
Cinder, the last I saw of those magic items from Rezmir they were being examined by Lawrance and Poppo. I don't remember if we ever found out what they did. Edited: Kyrroeth on 5th Dec, 2017 - 12:52am