Well, that was by far the most epic fight my character has been in during this campaign. I was hoping Poljen could take her down with those last hits. That was scary but it was very intense. The combat was fought almost completely without any healing support.
KN, it's D20 for 5e death saving throws. I hope we all make these. Well done regardless guys! Edited: Kyrroeth on 6th Dec, 2017 - 1:05am
I think we will survive in the end, but I'm with you, I was really hoping those last two hits would be enough. When Velon, Lawrance and the newcomers arrived I was going to have Poljen screaming something like, "I am Poljen! Son of Nels! The Last of the Snow Leopards challenges you all!" Or something equally defiant…
Kyr's right, but don't worry about rerolling Kntoran, we'll just treat that as one failure and 2 passes. You'll need to make 2 more rolls, d20+con
And sorry to spoil your moment there Paul :P I for one thought it was over in your favor as soon as that critical popped up. But apparently the dice wanted drama of another kind.
Speaking of which, there's a houserule I've been considering that would bypass the need to roll more damage dice on a critical hit. Basically instead of rolling again, you add maximum weapon damage to the damage you rolled the first time. I mentioned it to JB who was asking about all the extra posts we've been making for such things, and she's in favor of it. Does anyone have any objections? Bear in mind that this rule would be applied to enemies as well.
Similar alternative, add the average weapon damage instead of max. Not quite as exciting, but a little closer to the expected value if rolling randomly. Edited: daishain on 6th Dec, 2017 - 1:17am
Well that's it for Lora. When her rolls went badly they went all the way. Failed all five saving throws. I'm glad she wasn't my permanent character but I still hate to see her die. :(.
Daishain, I'm fine with using the 3.5 version for crits. It's easier in this format. I hate to make these run on posts sometimes just to make a die roll. Edited: Kyrroeth on 6th Dec, 2017 - 1:33am