No, I don't think so.
"Lawrance and Velon hear someone they can't see shouting something about the enemies of the cult of dragonkind, then the sound of someone's footsteps running by."
Sounds like another cultist spotted us. No rest for the weary.
You missed the next bit…
Nik's Post: Trying for the most dramatic entrance possible, Nikolaos shouts." I AM NIKOLAOS WILLAHELM AND AN ENEMY OF THE CULT OF THE DRAGON IS A FRIEND OF MINE."
Nikolaos rushes to the indicated bedroom to the aid of the injured.
Daishain's: Lawrance and Velon hear someone they can't see shouting something about the enemies of the cult of dragonkind, then the sound of someone's footsteps running by.
Nikolaos' invisibility ends as he casts a healing spell, directing the first bit of radiant energy towards the woman on the ground.
See? The yelling was Nikolaos, as was the running…
Kingowlbear, how will your bard prioritize healing. Will it be his first area of concern or only if things are desperate? I'm curious because it will affect Lora and her healing. She can use her spell slots more recklessly for stealth and damage spells if he plans to heal quite often. If that isn't a heavy emphasis for him then I will make sure to save more slots for healing.
. Edited: Kyrroeth on 6th Dec, 2017 - 6:49pm