I want to see a lawful good paladin grasp Hazirawn. That would be interesting *wink* Any volunteers? Lora thought she could master it and she was very wrong.
Going to Crato's ancestral home would make it easy to get Lia back in the game *smile*. Edited: Kyrroeth on 7th Dec, 2017 - 4:43pm
Velon will take the +Charisma chain (Bracelet of heartfelt blows) if the group is ok with it. He will remove his Cloak of Protection for now to attempt to attune with it and truly feel it's power before deciding what to do with the extra attunement item issue. This bracelet actually helps me decide on my future build choices, I think.
Would Poljen be interesting in the Cloak of Protection? Velon would think of him first with regard to +AC for even more tanking ability, plus saving thows, as Velon still fears fighting a mind controlled Poljen some day! I'm not sure how many attuned items you have Paul.
Yes Cratol's home is a great idea. The possibility that Lia went there is also perfect! :)
I don't know why you crazy people want to take on an evilly-aligned sword at all! The prudent steps would be to find a way to destroy it utterly so no bad guy gets to use it, ever again, not trying to dominate it and fight for control every bloody battle. Trying to use such a thing is like tightrope walking over an abyss during a wind storm- while the path may get you to your destination, it's more likely to end with you a red wet spot on the bottom of the canyon.
I'd get Pol the Charm-protection amulet, since he's the highest risk to us if he gets Charmed, and the Ring +1 to Velon or Cratol for enhancing their tankability.
I'm full up on attuned items, and actually heavy one now. Already gave away the initiative ring to Cratol for the same reason.
So now we have a ring and cloak of protection up for grabs.
I have ideas for this incoming mob if we can't stop the runners. Daishain, has Poppo learned how quickly the castle can maneuver, and whether or not it can be tilted up, down, or fully upside down? :).