The vampire and dragon will survive unfortunately. It would at least get rid of their lackeys. I like the idea. My only concern is our pilot's lack of experience. We could die from impact or be unable to take off again. *wink*. Edited: Kyrroeth on 7th Dec, 2017 - 5:22pm
Good idea, but the setup is designed to keep the whole thing as level as possible. Poppo and Lawrance could probably override that stabilization, but either would want days, if not weeks, to study before they'd be at all comfortable trying. Messing with an active magical enchantment, especially one with so much power behind it, is incredibly dangerous. Doing it without that study period is almost exactly like cutting random wires on a bomb.
Submerging could work for most of the Castle's inhabitants, but White Dragons are known to be excellent swimmers, and vampires don't need to breathe. Edited: daishain on 7th Dec, 2017 - 5:28pm
I think we can take out the lackeys our main issue is the vampire and the dragon. If we can defeat the vampire we can take our time to defeat the dragon. Taking another evil dragon from this cult would be great. Two dragons down and missing this castle and the treasure will be a big blow to the cult.
I wonder what a White Dragon's frost breath would do in water? It wouldn't have the range, but would it just enclose everything in a block of ice? Maybe 10 feet long, including it's muzzle? :D Also, what occurs when a lightning bolt conducts through water? Will it do a bit of damage in a wider area, as well as the 100' line? Lawrance would start pondering the possibilities of testing this effect…
Water breathing allows for casting and such as normal. Only movement is affected. Up to 10 targets per spell, and it lasts for a day. Combat is at disadvantage, ranged weapons only go normal range, and other effects. Edited: Gknightbc on 7th Dec, 2017 - 5:38pm