For your information, Radiant damage works better against vampires than normal damage. Sacred flame is radiant damage. If I recall rightly, radiant damage they cannot heal, nor can they heal while in sunlight, if we could somehow arrange that. 5e has changed monster abilities a lot, that's for sure!Taking out the minions (And bats!) would be best so we can focus on the big baddie, but our current positions make that harder.
I have one healing spell in a spell store ring but it's only Healing Word single target.
Velon could heal a little but his magic may be needed for other things, he needs to bash some of these foes off of him first, and most unfortunately he has no more sorcery points to quicken the spell into just a bonus action so he can keep fighting.
Good point by Gknightbc on Sacred Flame being radiant. That could be VERY handy as it takes Tazskan and I spell slots to do radiant damage and I'm not sure who else can. The question is, does Lora know that in character? ;) If all goes well she may start attacking the vampire soon anyhow as the melee cultists fall, so hopefully the knowledge part won't matter much.
I think Lora would know that radiant damage would be hurtful to any undead. She will concentrate on the minions first. I think that is a good idea to do so. Once they are gone the vampire has no chance in my opinion.
She is more likely to help her friends than some strangers.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 12th Dec, 2017 - 4:20pm
If my spell succeeds, the vampire will be out of the equation for several rounds (I think it lasts one minute).
Also, my hound might knock her prone, which should help to break the grapple. If we can force her to move 5 ft, it auto ends.
Pulling back shouldn't affect aoe spells too much since there is space in the dining room for them to extend to. What pulling back will do is need their archers because they will either need to be in melee to shoot or most of us will have at least partial cover from allies and walls.
I agree that a couple of juicy smites might be our best bet at taking her down.
Croft, I really hope either the knocking prone or the banish work. If it does, this fight will turn into a cakewalk. Honestly, I'd expect some of the cultists to run at that point. But I suspect that the vampire has high saving throw modifiers. And if it has any Legendary Resistances, I don't doubt the Dungeon Master will use them. But fingers are crossed here.
If the vampire resists both, then maybe that twinned Haste you mentioned earlier would be a good move, unless you have something that will either drop a bunch more cultists (Another fireball perhaps?) or do some serious hurt to the vampire.
Nice Arcana [Critical Hit]!
It is true, I suppose anyone wielding radiant (Holy) energy would know about its effect on undead and the like. Velon perhaps less so considering his back story, but certainly clerics, etc.
Yeah I hope Velon and the whole groups survive this. That +Charisma to melee damage 'bracelet' really makes it clear that I should go deeper into Paladin for another attack, Channel Divinity to increase chance to hit, etc. And pick Shield back up. I'll just be more specific about when I want to use it. For a while there I was debating having him stand back more in fights to concentrate twinned haste on others, etc. But no longer.