My intent was that Geoffroy and his squire would be following Poljen and Lia, Perhaps a detail I read offered some confusion and I mistakenly though the other were going to look for Nighthill. Let me double check the details.
Okay, recap on where peoples seem to be going, please clarify if I've made a mistake:
-Onthar, his men, and the flaming fists are headed to the eastern gate. Poljen, Lia, Onwen, Geoffroy, and Cratol appear to be joining them
-Cahleth said he was checking in with the rest of the Blaze, that may mean he's joining the last group, not sure.
-Targul asked about checking out the tunnel he found, no one's answered him yet. Escobert's busy, and nearly everyone else is off elsewhere, so again he might end up being with the first group.
-Haven't heard from Nyzahr or Sar'ai yet.
Edited: daishain on 24th Feb, 2017 - 1:11am
Yah, I considered having Geofroy reply to Targul's inquiry about checking out the cave, but have not gotten to such in part because of being unsure where everyone is. If though the cleric can be spared, the Morninglord would be willing to go with him into the cave.
Edited: Thomaslee on 24th Feb, 2017 - 2:07am