Yah, I was worried this may happen. Part of me thought to suggest that we call on aid from our dragon ally or even other reinforcements to face the white dragon. Though if there was ever a need for a "Big Damn Heroes" moment from players' other characters and perhaps other allies to save the day, it may be now in what may be a TPK.
Daishain, my idea for Poljen is still being able to get to the dragon in one round and attack twice. If this rationale works for you, or does not, please let me know. This next round he could use his movement to go 40 feet (Halved from exhaustion, doubled due to Haste), and be 5 feet from the wall. Haste also gives him an additional action that can be used for Dash among other options, and his Totem Path gives him a Bonus Dash. By my calculation, that would be enough movement to get up the wall and still have his basic action left, which obviously would be two attacks.
If that does not work, and even if it does, I am also considering smashing the ice wall hemming in Lora and Taz. What are the numbers involved in smashing the ice, please?
Gknight, this has become and all-or-nothing round. That sphere is cool if this is going to on several rounds, but I don't think we have that. You have the first action. I say use your biggest nastiest spell that hurts him this round. Otherwise he could easily drop you this round and the storm vanishes. Another lightning bolt at the highest level or something like that.
Christian, if Poppo is up, can you Dimension Door away again and still blast him? Even if a fireball catches Poljen, go for it.
Kingowl, can you do anything offensive that hurts it a lot? If you folks all call out you can do that, Poljen may just go try to free the others behind the wall. Edited: PaulNelson on 30th Dec, 2017 - 4:47pm
Climbing the wall takes up twice the normal move rate in addition to a successful athletics check. With that in mind, It'l take 55' of movement to reach the nearest climbing point (AD 6), another 100' to make the climb itself, and then another 20' to reach Glazhael, for a total of 175'. 120' is what you can get from the dashes available. If you also use your action to dash, you could get to the top of the ledge, but not in a position to make an attack even if you had something left.
For smashing the wall, just make a few attacks. Poljen thinks he could bring down a section with a few strong blows.
Gr… I found a way to AD-6 in 45 feet, and I thought the wall was only 45 feet tall. But that still puts me too far away… 135 is still beyond what I can do. If I only had my normal movement, with the Haste this would have been a snap. I guess he could move towards the wall and use his throwing axe, at Disadvantage for distance… hmm, I will see what others say they will do. We need to hit this thing three ways… hard, fast and often, right now!
Unfortunately, Poppo only had one 4th level spell for the day and he used it to get back into the battle. He's also out of 3rd level spells at this point.
I can Misty Step off the ledge down to the main level but will take some falling damage and then hit him with a cantrip this round so that hopefully there is some damage or stand my ground and hit with something more substantial. Given Poppo has the Mask, I think trying to put some distance from the dragon makes sense but it goes before he does so the whole point may be moot.