Nice, that's pretty impressive for a clothie! ;)
Yeah I had just looked up absorb elements earlier today thinking I really wish I had that spell. Luckily it's a sorcerer spell. Having that and shield in Velon's tool bag would be really nice for better survivability as he can do little against this breath weapon. I feel pretty hamstrung by the lack of a sorcerer's ability to change out their spells and their low total spells know. Alternatively if I had gone full Paladin I'd have Aura of Protection by now, so limitations on both sides are, of course, the perils on multiclassing!
Daishain, if Velon lives and his next level is taken in Paladin, would you let me swap out 1 Sorcerer spell as typically allowed when leveling, or will you allow that only if I take a sorcerer level? [Thanks]
He's right. Copying this directly from PHB...
When you ready a spell, you cast it as normal but hold its energy, which you release with your reaction when the trigger occurs. To be readied, a spell must have a casting time o f 1 action, and holding onto the spell’s magic requires concentration (Explained in chapter 10). If your concentration is broken, the spell dissipates without taking effect. For example, if you are concentrating on the web spell and ready magic missile, your web spell ends, and if you take damage before you release magic missile with your reaction, your concentration might be broken.
Thanks Nikolaos! Now I need to decide what Velon will do… Not knowing exactly where people will by by Velon's turn makes it hard to go heal others with touch spells. It seems the dragon goes before Velon too so I'm confused as you whether my actions really mean anything at all until the dragon goes. Makes me wonder if Round 1 of each battle should be only everyone that rolled a higher initiative than the enemy. After that we make a full cycle of actions before the enemy goes again.