Yes I will keep my actions as posted since that was the intent. Perhaps we need to know the initiative of the enemy at the start of battle to know whether to bother to post or not since until the enemy has acted since, in a fight like this, it will drastically change what the PC might do and render previous posts null and void?
I was thinking much the same, there have been enemies that have caused problems for you before, but nothing as disruptive as this. I intend to treat Glazhael's move as the end of the round from here on, and will likely do the same for other foes like him.
Yeah, sorry, please don’t think of it as complaining. Just trying to picture what is happening. You know I love this campaign. I figure if I’m getting confused obviously I should ask, and at least one other could be confused too.
If intitiative order is A, B, C, Z*, D, E, F where ‘Z’ is the bad guy, it would seem to me that round one is A,B,C,Z. Round two then becomes D,E,F,A,B,C,Z again, ending with the big Dungeon Master post. Basically those rolling high on initiative would get an opening round, then the Init. Order gets rewritten such that the enemy is last. I’d be happy to take on the job of writing up the init order in a post once rolls are in. Not sure how often you roll several initiatives for different bad guy groupings Dashain. Perhaps in those cases we just let you do what you’ve always done and make people’s post work, readjusting targets, etc. It’s mostly just this big ol dragon that’s giving us fits! :).
Edited: Cinder on 1st Jan, 2018 - 4:19pm
Why would those rolling higher on initiative get two turns essentially to the lower rolling ones? Sorry. That example confuses me. I could see that for a surprise round only.
I played in a Play By Post campaign once that had people post by initiative. Whoever had the highest initiative posted and the Dungeon Master would make a post about the results. Then it would be an enemy or another PC's turn. It avoided any confusion but was much slower.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 1st Jan, 2018 - 4:26pm
There would be no change to when characters act relative to each other, nor are there extra turns with this. Those with the highest initiative go first, then everyone proceeds in order.
The only change is that the updates will come such that the big guy is the last one with an acknowledged move. That way, you know that what you plan as your move is not going to be interrupted by random ice walls and the like, requiring you to change what you're doing, the big guy's just finished doing what he was going to do to screw with you.
Edited: daishain on 1st Jan, 2018 - 4:34pm