Cratol added the average +1 and then a +1 for constitution so he is up to 52 HP I increased his dexterity to 18 and his wisdom to 16 Giving a +4 and +3 bonus thus his AC is now 20. With the monk outfit the ring of protection and the +1 natural AC from the gem activation. I would like to have him received a belt of hill giant strength for his one rare item found in the dragons horde if that is ok with you.
Ok other than adding/changing spells I've done much of the rest for Velon regarding HP, stat changes because of more strength, etc.
I'm taking the Belt of Hill Giant Strength as my chosen item. Velon and Cratol can be twinsies! ;)
Velon will be seeking out Silas or a well respected priest of just about any kind to give his Oath of Devotion with. I can't imagine they'll be a high ranking priest specifically to Bahamut nearby, so he'll just do his best. (I'll probably keep the roll play of this to a minimum or skip it all together. No one hear wants to role-play a full religious ceremony of some sort, I'm sure.).
Edit: dropped burning hands for Shield once again. Probably a big mistake dropping it a while back with the limited changes but I wasn't making good use of it. I plan to remedy that now. Did pick up sanctuary and protection from good and evil which I'm not hugely excited about, but will try to make use of. The Sacred Weapon channel divinity is the real prize here. Edited: Cinder on 3rd Jan, 2018 - 9:01pm
Actually, if that is an option I would also be interested in having my character Geoffroy come in with an extra level. If allowed, I may see if the Dungeon Master might allow him to come in with an extra magic item or pick one from the horde pile such as the Sun Blade.
That is, unless Cinder is not the only one to have grown fond of Zarra and wishes for her to stick around. The plan had always been that she'd be a temporary addition, that the drow wouldn't be sticking around and was more so I could have a change of pace.
I have enjoyed playing as her though, so I could perhaps be convinced to keep roleplay as her. It matters how many have their hearts set to having her stay. Edited: Thomaslee on 3rd Jan, 2018 - 11:01pm
I have been mulling what to do with level 8 for some time now. I thought about upping my Dexterity by 2, giving me a higher AC, and better Stealth, which combined with the Boots of Elvenkind (Advantage to Stealth, and not needing attunement, Anron!) would help. Especially since we appear to be about to lose our rogues.
I could boost my CON by 2, giving Poljen 8 more HP, which is never a bad thing.
Or I could boost my Strength to 18, and he would no longer need the Gauntlets of Ogre Strength. Those could be given to someone who wants them (Taz or Cratol), saving them the need to find/buy such an item. Poljen could then wear that Ring that protects him from being charmed. Some folks had proposed that earlier. I'd like to know the exact details on that ring before going that route. All that would also influence what sort of item he wishes to find in the hoard. Another weapon that does extra fire damage might help, or something to grant him Haste once a day would be nice too…
But I really want to know what the group thinks Poljen should do, both in-character and Out of Character: . Thank you all for your indulgence and consideration.
I think Zarra should stick around. Poppo has more connection to her as a party member than Geoffrey and there seem to be lots to work with in terms of RP with her. I hope you continue playing her but, of course, the choice is yours.
Thomas, I would stay with Zarra if I were you. I like her and Geoffroy. If you play Geoffroy you don't fill a niche. Zarra will be the only Rogue if she stays. She will have by far the best stealth. She will stand out much more in the party than Geoffroy will with the current party makeup.
Paul, I think Poljen should upgrade his Dexterity by two and pickup a couple of potions of fire giant strength. Save them for the boss battles. It hurts to use your ASI and it won't even improve your score if you give up the gauntlets. Dexterity will make you that much harder to hit. It's a tough call. Actually, why not take the great weapon master feat? That is an awesome feat. He would get a lot of extra attacks due to it. Edited: Kyrroeth on 4th Jan, 2018 - 12:35am