I don't know how to stop the wheels in motion to honor the duel. If we hold fire from the wall Poljen will still strike the storm lizard and become visible. That would probably be seen as betrayal by Cyanwrath as well. We would have to retcon everything. The only reason Cratol is there is to cover for Poljen. I'm open to whatever everyone else wants to do.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 25th Feb, 2017 - 5:33pm
Well then, I will leave things as they are. Glad that I only needed to update my post in one roleplay not two. Sighs, I don't seem to be having the best start on my day for missing the details that I am. Though I had needed to miss a day, putting me behind.
Edited: Thomaslee on 25th Feb, 2017 - 5:34pm
Just waiting on Nyzahr then. People are just abandoning the fortifications left and right :P
I am going to say that Sar'ai can pull her infiltration off, but I would like a deception check to not call too much attention doing so. Low DC due to the circumstances, I promise.
I've never seen so many people willing to give up the only defense they have. Half the party is out there now *smile* I hope it works out for everyone. If someone dies out there I hope it is within 60 feet of Lia. She isn't going in the middle of an enemy army to drop Healing Word.
I'm worried that we didn't concentrate more firepower on the one stormlizard. I don't think it will be enough to kill it quickly.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 26th Feb, 2017 - 1:09am
Geoffroy, it should be noted, is not making the same mistake he made last time by charging into battle. He is safely on the tower away from the army so he can rain down the Burning Light of Lathander on those who insist on trying to take Greenest for their own.
Edited: Thomaslee on 26th Feb, 2017 - 12:56am
I, and Poljen for that matter, was under the impression the plan WAS to target the lizard. If I had known people were going to change things around, I'd probably have had Poljen accept the challenge himself and taken the half-dragon one-on-one. With his barbarian defenses I bet he could take the bad guy. As for giving up the only defense we have, well, beside the old aphorism about the best defense being a good offense, my original intent was to fight a delaying action to allow people to evacuate to the fort. And he is more than willing to play Horatio at the bridge to do so, even if it costs him his life. Look at the character sheet. "There is no room for caution in a life lived to the fullest." And having the wall behind him is a good defense. Assume they get by him, they still have to funnel through the gate. He is much more effective in melee.
But this whole cluster is why Poljen wanted to go on a commando raid against the camp the afternoon/night before. Then we had a tremendous advantage. We knew where they were, and had a very solid idea of their composition. They were not aware we knew all that. We could have hit the lizards in their pen, killed one and sent the other off, letting it go berserk through their camp. The confusion would have allowed us to pick lots of them off before withdrawing as they got organized. Now we are facing a set-piece battle. Not our strength.
That was the plan. We discussed specifically which stormlizard to target before we got there. Then for the most part everyone just targeted something different instead. Poljen made the sacrifice to kill the lizard but now it will probably take two or three rounds to do it. If Poljen stays out there that long he will probably die.
It's hard to coordinate a plan when everyone does their own thing. Poljen would have been much better off fighting the duel. Now he is in a bad situation because the lizard won't die quickly and Cratol is possibly in over his head.
I understand fighting the delaying action. I just thought we were going to use the walls to help us offset the numbers. Call me crazy *smile* It is in character for Poljen to do so though. Much respect to you risking death for him by staying true to his character.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 26th Feb, 2017 - 2:13am