My understanding, and I believe the overall intent including that of Seath, is that meeting Mr. Creel and now Morgaine is earlier in the day shortly after arriving in Baldur's Gate since that was the primary reason for coming here. I believe barbait is later in the afternoon or evening.
I gather we're just doing both at the same time to speed things along and get back to the main quest option(s).
PS. I too am always up for some party sparring, even if Velon is just a spectator at times. It's good pvp fun. I do vote we take it to Side Stories though as combat can slow the game down even further than RP at times, depending on how many are involved and how often they can post.
Edited: Cinder on 14th May, 2018 - 5:21pm
Daishain, this is a very important question. Since I assume all 20 of the thugs have surrounded him, what about the guy who hired them? Is he (Presumably a he) in view? Because that is the person Poljen really wants to get his hands on… Once I have the answer I will get to posting… wait for it… yes, the first round of combat!
Thank you for the quick response. Poljen is confident that with the others, someone will know where the money-man is. I just needed to know for Poljen's monologue… coming soon!
EDIT: By the way, Susan, assuming Morgaine joins in the fun, I am guessing this will be your first time using this dice roller. Since I had so much trouble my first few weeks, may I offer a tiny tutorial?
To roll multiple times with a modifier, remember in the dice roller, that first drop-down is Start #, which means if you kick that up to a 2, the minimum roll is a 2, not the number of dice rolled. That is the last drop-down, Amt. Kick that up to a 2 and it rolls twice for you. I don't think you have anything that requires multiple dice plus a single modifier. But if you do, it gets tricky. For instance, if you need to roll a Health Potion that is 2d4+2, if you set the Amt to 2, and the dice to d4, and the Bonus to +2, it would roll two d4, and add +2 to each. So we try to evenly divide the number, in this case it would be 2d4+1, and take the total. If the modifier does not evenly split up, you can just mention it in an Out of Character: bit of your post.
I can't tell you how many times we have all mucked these things up! Again, welcome aboard, and I hope this helps.
Edited: PaulNelson on 14th May, 2018 - 6:21pm
From the castle's current position, what would be the rough distance to travel if some of us wanted to be in on the action? While bringing the castle in to the city isn't an option, could the distance/time be reduced by having it come closer at it's warp speed of 800? If so, what would be the final range to target after such a move?
I'm thinking of having L. Summoning an air elemental and flying in at 90', or some other method of flight we may have available to us. If Lawrance does, how many people could a CR 5 air elemental carry?
Edited: Gknightbc on 14th May, 2018 - 6:39pm
I confess, I have gotten a bit spoiled by all the combats where Poljen regularly rolls beyond 20! Besides, the one real benefit I got at 9th level only kicks in when he rolls a [Critical Hit] in combat… where was that during that fight in the hall of the castle, outside the control room? Where every round at least one of his attacks got a [Critical Hit]? Ah, those were the days! ;).