You can hear his whistle, and if things are relatively quiet sounds associated with their fighting, but with the trees, he's well out of sight range at the moment.
Now that they're not sneaking about, Elanna and Ichi's raven can see them from above, about 500' NEE of the groups current position.
To save me some time, I intend to have Poljen run into the trees towards the sound of fighting. If he goes 30 feet and does not see the combat, he will use Dash as his action to go 30 feet more, looking. If he still does not see it, move is over. But if he sees it, either after initial movement, or after Dashing, he will evaluate the situation before deciding to Rage or not.
If they don't move in the meantime, it will take 8 rounds of dashing to get where you can move in to melee on the 9th, and you won't be in a position to see them until after that 4th round.
Edited: daishain on 10th Jan, 2017 - 5:34pm
So that is about 500 feet by my calculation. Unfortunately if he Rages, but does not either take damage or make an attack on his next turn, the Rage ends. So no Rage, just move and Dashing. If the fight is still going upon arrival, I will evaluate whether to Rage. Thank you for the clarification.
Screw it, that's too slow to be realistic as a maximum speed. I'm bringing the Run action from 3.5/Pathfinder back in. Using that option, you can move up to 3 times your speed if wearing heavy armor, and 4 times your speed if not. However, doing so sacrifices all other actions for that round, reactions included, along with any Dexterity bonus to AC. You can keep running for a number of rounds equal to your Con score (So 16 rounds in Pol's case).
So you can halve the time needed to close in, but I think the fight may be over by that time anyways.
Edited: daishain on 10th Jan, 2017 - 5:36pm