Yup, I'm losing track of when the force wall went up (Unsure of dragon's initiative, if it was Lia's reacion / readied action), what spells and other magics can and can't pass through (No misty, but potentially a storm sphere?), and who is posting for which round, now? Lawrance's post was for next round, followed by Velon's post which is current round?
Edited: Cinder on 25th Jun, 2018 - 6:28pm
Cinder, When I asked if we were posting for next round, Dai said yes, so I did. From initiative order, I'm down the list, so my Dispel attempt would have come well after Lia's cube activation, and the dragon's move, obviously. The Sphere was going to be Lawrance's next round action, but I need to revise according to the cube. Mode 5 means nothign will get through, although Misty Step could put you behind her Cube because it's a 30 foot teleport. Lia is the cork in our wine bottle. :D.
Edited: Gknightbc on 25th Jun, 2018 - 6:41pm
Gotcha. Dungeon Master already ruled again doing my misty through the force wall, though. This is going to get even more interesting for Velon and Poljen before it's over! That is, unless they just get trashed immediately by the dragon and prince!