I am just pointing out that they are inside an earthen berm… if we start dropping stones, they will have to climb over the spiked berm, or out any gates… fireballs could probably cover gates. It would help a bit… just musing about ideas right now…
The scale of a typical fireball versus an army is far too small to be effective. And, as Cinder says, the range has to be within easy bow shot of at least 100 soldiers. A necklace of fireballs might have worked, dropped from on high, but even that is limited.
Maybe with research, and fireball spell could be modified as a higher level shape-able spell and used in this fashion.
I was thinking of Storm Sphere as a better option, as long as Lawrance was far away. Edited: Gknightbc on 7th Sep, 2018 - 6:24pm
I have to say in regards to this query, I am really tempted to bring back 3.5e variable duration/ranges for spells, or at least something similar.
Its more math to keep up with, but it did mean a bit more dynamics with such things. A 3.5e Fireball cast by a level 10 individual would have a range of 800 feet, but only 600 when they first started messing with it.
In any case, rolling a bit to keep things rolling, lets see how this goes. Edited: daishain on 7th Sep, 2018 - 6:38pm
What are the chances of getting a dragon or two to come help? We are in a desperate struggle versus Tiamat. The enemy has dragon support many times. Surely our dragon allies might be willing to aid our cause. We are doing their dirty work for them. Maybe a paladin of Bahamat can bring them? Probably just wishful thinking but I'm trying to think of something that could help us.
The odds are pretty good actually, if the situation is made clear to them. The problem is that will take time that may or may not be available at the moment.
The metallic dragons have a lot of fires to put out as things progress, other groups are starting to take advantage of the chaos caused by the cult, and they have to decide where to allocate the limited resources they have.
It just occurred to me that I forgot to mention this, but there are also non-draconic forces that could in theory be placed at your disposal. Paladins and clerics of Bahamut, along with others who believe in the cause.
Ultimately, yes, that is a viable option. Pull back, make a request, and observe for now while waiting for a bit of backup. Edited: daishain on 7th Sep, 2018 - 6:49pm
"Why didn't you include that among our list of assets? Now if we only had a holocaust cloak, that would really be something!"
Yeah, if the dragon that sent us here had told us they could send reinforcements, we might have had a different discussion all along.