As he approaches the construct, Poljen spots a narrow crack in the floor with dim light beyond.
It looks as if the construct is standing on stonework physically separate from the rest of the floor.
It should've occurred to me that Cratol would also be in a position to spot this however briefly. Feel free to roll perception as well.
Edit: wait a minute, Poljen isn't going blind, it was just Mari and Cratol targeted with that effect.
Edited: daishain on 3rd Oct, 2018 - 11:33am
Daishain, with Velon's limited knowledge of arcana, is there an appropriate roll for him to try to figure out if these red orbs are good or bad? I imagine Lawrance already did that and, without looking back, rolled better than Velon is likely to. I'll toss a straight D20 roll below for the sake of not having to post again and wait, but may not even bother to count the roll if Lawrance already deduced more than Velon ever could about the red orbs. [Thanks]
Regarding failed saving throws, welcome to the campaign KN and Paul!
The next time Velon doesn't fail like 6 saves in a row in a dragon fight will be the first, thus, as I said, welcome to everyone else's world. You guys stop spending FP or making core posts or whatever gets you favorable dice rolls or something? ;).
Edited: Cinder on 3rd Oct, 2018 - 3:29pm
Neither Lawrance nor Velon have the information needed to be sure either way.
The orbs seem to have no function save to mark something, so whatever it is, it's supposed to be seen. Whether the gnomish makers intended it as a warning or an indication of progress on your part is less obvious.
Hey now! I don't spend FP (Whatever that is), and I almost never do a core post, which I think is essentially a non-game-related post. And it is the non-combat rolls that are usually Poljen's weakness. But to miss two CON Saves, with such crummy rolls is pretty unusual for me. Oh well.
Thanks Daishain. Also, is this thing slowing down (Aka dropping in Init order) every time someone jumps on any circle, or only the gray circle? Want to make sure I fully understand that. Does it happen multiple times in a round if several people do the gray circle with another in between to reset it?
Yes, kidding on the FP/Core post thing. It is likely just the gods of 5e that smile upon Poljen and Cratol's rolls (And reckless attack helps just a little bit, of course!).