Can Lia pick out Cyanwrath and his chief mage from where she will be when she moves up again? That is a nice touch on heat metal with Velon. Just a nasty spell.
Just think Seath. Nothing could solve this whole situation quite like a T-Rex *wink*. Polymorph is such a great spell. Edited: Kyrroeth on 19th Oct, 2018 - 4:26pm
Yes, Cyanwrath is especially visible. He already stood much higher than those around him, now that he's standing on the construct he towers over the field. The head mage is rather visible as well, though people are doing their best to give her cover.
Oh whoops, wall of fire's going down since another concentration spell started. I'll edit that in.
Thanks Paul. It gives advantage on attacks versus the chosen enemy. It also ignores any cover penalties. Lastly it does an extra 3D6 damage. I forgot about the arrow of dragon slaying until I almost submitted my post. Edited: Kyrroeth on 19th Oct, 2018 - 6:25pm
Daishain, now that Perry has dispelled the heat metal, does the disadvantage for this round still apply since I already met the fail condition of the spell on my last turn?
While I'm here, how far is it to the primary mage and how many AoO's would Velon take on his path there, if he can get there at all? Alternatively, how many enemies do I need to kill to get to her as they stand now? If blocked in any of these ways, would Misty Step bypass the AoO or humanoid blockade? Thanks!
Yes, it still applies I'm afraid. Both the damage and the side effect are triggered on the caster's turn.
Head mage is only 15' away from Velon in particular, He would take at least 3 AOOs getting to her (Though one is from a squishy mage and not likely to hurt much if it hits), they're closing ranks as people fall, so killing one at a time may be a slow way to actually open a path. Yes, Misty Step would bypass this mess. Edited: daishain on 19th Oct, 2018 - 9:08pm