Sar'ai isn't one for melee, but she is also proficient.with rapiers, just a thought.
Of course, she isn't present at the moment to claim the thing.
Geez, its been a slow weekend, and not just with this game… Edited: daishain on 12th Mar, 2017 - 10:59pm
If I was playing Jonathon or a bard in general I would be happy to take a rapier. Yet I am not, and a morningstar is Geoffory's go to weapon. Personally, I have quite the fondness for rapiers as a weapon. Edited: Thomaslee on 13th Mar, 2017 - 10:47am
Daishain, thanks for the heads-up on the Thunderwave spell. I did oversee the fact it wasn't directional but centered on the caster, so of little use in that situation.
And like I mentioned in main thread, there still might be an extra D6 of Nyzahr's bardic inspiration knocking about somewhere and available for use (Unless Lia did used it already during the fray, haven't looked through all her rolls, at that…)
Let's proceed ! Edited: AshDrunbar on 13th Mar, 2017 - 1:15pm
Ash, Lia still plans onusing it. From my understanding of the rules whether she uses it or not it is counted against Nyzahr''s daily uses. I think once she gives a character a bardic inspiration gift there is no taking it back. If she didn't use it by chance within the ten minutes allowed I'm not sure if Nyzahr gets that inspiration back to give to another. That's a grey area really. How do you interpret that Daishain? Edited: Kyrroeth on 13th Mar, 2017 - 3:51pm
Lia is probably right, which is why I have Poljen asking about the size of the force that will actually block off the other towns folk. I am expecting a reply that will frustrate the barbarian, and he will be more than willing to join the tunnel; rats at that point. But if it looks like a skirmishing force that we could tie up enough to get most of them through, then he will push for it.
All righty then, we've been going for over two months now, and I've at least managed to avoid boring people away.
But I like to see if I can get feedback from players once in a while, get notice on issues I wasn't aware of before.
So yeah, if there's anything I can do to improve the experience, let me know.