Obviously you need line of sight on the point where you are choosing to detonate the Sleep. Since it effects creatures in a 20 foot radius, I wouldn't think you'd need to see each of those creatures, just the detonation point. Dungeon Master's call obviously.
Oh indeed, just the point of origin is necessary.
That said, for some effects, such as fireball, sources of cover within the area of affect may have an impact on whether or not some creatures take the brunt of it. Sleep isn't among those however.
Being a little presumptuous that you'd get away clean were you? :D
In any case, yeah, my apologies for any awkwardness, this thing doesn't exactly tell me 'They're still trying to post at this moment, hold off a few more seconds.'
Overcome/overtaken By Events.
In any case, its fine, just assume the post in question happened just before mine chronologically. Fay says something about the plan to kill everything being a good start point, and then everyone notices the enemy.
That's a good fix.
Sorry, sometimes I lapse into military acronyms. Also, I love the way they said that too. It made me laugh. I had to give charm out for that. I can see we're going to have a lot of these types of conversations because that is how Fay is and he'll always lapse into that… and then I guess he'll simplify it for them. This is gonna be fun.