That is true Paul. Fay has been a big help. It's nice he is fresh to the campaign and has all his spell slots still. All of us are getting low. That lucky feat is really good. Having three rerolls in your pocket every day is huge.
Daishain, is it possible to get an Inter Character thread for this game like in Aeric's game? I think we might need it soon. Edited: Kyrroeth on 25th Mar, 2017 - 8:57pm
Daishain, Healing word takes a bonus action to cast. Can I use a bonus action to cast healing word and then my main action to cast it again in the same round? I don't know how that works.
I'm not sure how everyone's hitpoints are holding up. May I please have an update of the current hit points of everyone fighting in the street? I'm trying to see who to heal. Edited: Kyrroeth on 25th Mar, 2017 - 11:25pm
Kyr, you can indeed use a standard action to do a bonus action thing.
However, there is a general rule, and I keep forgetting this one myself, that you can't cast more than one L1+ spell in a round, even if one (Or both) of them are a bonus action to cast.
In any case, update on the field. The rhino is currently brushing by Targul, and is quite close to Fay at the moment. Most of the drakes and one of the last horsemen are surrounding Poljen. The last two horsemen are over by Father Falconmoon.