Icon's Pathfinder Kingmaker 2: Rivers Run Red - Page 14 of 91

The boy, Tig, is a little confused about the - Page 14 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 17th Jan, 2017 - 1:26pm

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Post Date: 15th Jan, 2017 - 2:40pm / Post ID: #

Icon's Pathfinder Kingmaker 2: Rivers Run Red
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Icon's Pathfinder Kingmaker 2: Rivers Run Red - Page 14

Theaton splits off from the group. "I am going to go check on my house and see that all is in order there. I will be back soon. Since I do not need most of the items we found I am ok with selling them and splitting the profits. However I would like to take with me the potions of cure moderate wounds."

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Post Date: 15th Jan, 2017 - 6:16pm / Post ID: #

Icon's Pathfinder Kingmaker 2: Rivers Run Red
A Friend

Red Run Rivers Kingmaker Pathfinder Icons

Jesla is back to normal and riding along with the others. She smiles at the boy but it seems to frighten him so she looks away. Jesla sings a Kellid song softly as they ride along. The young barbarian studies the others curiously, still trying to learn about this culture. She responds upon hearing Theaton speak about going by his home " Theaton, I will ride with you if you wish. This area can be dangerous for solo travelers."

Post Date: 16th Jan, 2017 - 12:54am / Post ID: #

Icon's Pathfinder Kingmaker 2: Rivers Run Red
A Friend

Icon's Pathfinder Kingmaker 2: Rivers Run Red Archive Pathfinder / D&D

Theaton nods at Jesla, "As you wish you are more than welcome to join me. I would not mind having your company." He nods to the others as he turns off towards his home.

Post Date: 16th Jan, 2017 - 6:07am / Post ID: #

Icon's Pathfinder Kingmaker 2: Rivers Run Red
A Friend

Page 14 Red Run Rivers Kingmaker Pathfinder Icons

Jesla waves at the others as they ride off. She calls to Kresnik " Stay out of trouble my friend. " She checks that her lance, bow and great sword are in place. Jesla looks around curiously as they ride toward Theaton's home. The barbarian is curious to see where the ranger lives after all she has heard about it.

Post Date: 16th Jan, 2017 - 2:12pm / Post ID: #

Icon's Pathfinder Kingmaker 2: Rivers Run Red
A Friend

Red Run Rivers Kingmaker Pathfinder Icons

Kresnik chuckles, "I can make no promises on that front. Jesla, Theaton, take care."

Kresnik spends time on the ride home studying the horseshoes. It may not make sense keeping the set for now, but it may be worthwhile to know how to make several sets of them for a group's use.

Post Date: 16th Jan, 2017 - 7:38pm / Post ID: #

Icon's Pathfinder Kingmaker 2: Rivers Run Red
A Friend

Icon's Pathfinder Kingmaker 2: Rivers Run Red

Theaton with White fang scouting ahead and to our sides heads to his house at the edge of the woods. HE dismounts in front of his place and leads his horse to the side where a small corral is at. After taking care of his horse Theaton walks back in front, "Welcome to my home Jesla. I hope you find it peaceful here." He will open the door and indicate for her to make herself at home.

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Post Date: 17th Jan, 2017 - 2:23am / Post ID: #

Icon's Pathfinder Kingmaker 2: Rivers Run Red
A Friend

Icon's Pathfinder Kingmaker 2 Rivers Run Red - Page 14

Jesla smiles as she eyes Theaton's home. " It is a wonderful home Theaton. Truly a peaceful home. " She takes his invitation and wanders his home for a moment. " It must be hard for you to leave this beautiful, quiet home to travel to and live in Freehold. It is beginning to get crowded there. " Her idea of a settlement being crowded is different than most.

17th Jan, 2017 - 1:26pm / Post ID: #
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Icon's Pathfinder Kingmaker 2 Rivers Run Red D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 14

Game Master says...

The boy, Tig, is a little confused about the mixed message of the area being dangerous while Theton and Jesla run off. Archival's subtle word choice does not help clarify. He responds with a non-binding, "I'll be sure to be more careful."

The fog lifts at midday and the cavalry archers start a perimeter patrol as you approach Freehold. You reach the town just before nightfall.

Reaching the Tannersen household, Sasha opens the door instantly and lifts Tig, smothering him with kisses as he tries to avoid them. After a half-minute, she sets him down, and with an exhausted-sounding voice says, "Thank you so much! I was so worried for him and for you! I can't believe it took so long to find him!"

Theaton takes the potions and with Jesla covers the 20 miles north by northwest, also arriving before nightfall. The house is perhaps smaller than those in town - but apart from the corral, no extensions have been built yet. The thorn bushes are tended to by two fey creatures, a grig like Jesla had seen in the cage outside the kobold caves, and a small, blue lizard-like creature with the yellow-orange wings of a butterfly.

"Theaton is back!" the grig exclaims and unfolds her cricket abdomen to reveal gossamer wings. She flies over and perches on his shoulder, "I missed you! Who did you bring for us to meet today?"

Out of Character: No, it's not too late to claim a hex and build an improvement. I don't think we actually finished the edict phase, part of visiting the kobolds was to claim their land.

It would also help if Theaton returns promptly to town to finish his monthly duties.

As for the Lyre of Building, I will rule it as one -2 discount in each settlement each month. Multiple lyres would be used by other settlements. Using it on terrain improvements that aren't too far from a settlement is possible, but could be risky.

And regarding other buildings, I still haven't written up the notes. New work seems to take a lot of time, with little results. Perhaps during the weekend. A reminder would not be out of line.

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