Icon's Pathfinder Kingmaker 2: Rivers Run Red - Page 59 of 91

"Yes I am aware of this but I believe - Page 59 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 5th Mar, 2017 - 11:30pm

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Post Date: 5th Mar, 2017 - 10:27pm / Post ID: #

Icon's Pathfinder Kingmaker 2: Rivers Run Red
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Icon's Pathfinder Kingmaker 2: Rivers Run Red - Page 59

Kresnik says, "Yes, aside from the killing being a horrible crime in and of itself, anything both capable and willing to harm a unicorn is likely a threat to us all. We should find it as soon as able."

"Offering Kyra the position of Grand Diplomat seems to be an excellent idea to me. She certainly has the temperament and the skill."

"I would suggest seeking to know more of her goals however. She does not seem to know herself what she wishes to achieve here. I would like to think that the efforts of a chosen of Iomedae would generally align with our own, but there's no guarantee."

"And, ah, I hate to bring it up, but even that is assuming she speaks the truth about Akil. I have not yet seen evidence of the cat being a divine emissary. I doubt Kyra is actually lying, but she could have been duped, or simply touched in the head. More fantastical delusions exist."

"I doubt those other possibilities as well, but I think I'd be remiss not to mention them."

The plan to use that land to bring silver and more foodstuffs in seems excellent. We're going to need both.

"As for the castle, that would be a major step forward. If you feel it is worth the expense at this time, I am all for it"

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Post Date: 5th Mar, 2017 - 10:33pm / Post ID: #

Icon's Pathfinder Kingmaker 2: Rivers Run Red
A Friend

Red Run Rivers Kingmaker Pathfinder Icons

I say we hold off on Kyra for now. I think she is capable for the job but we need to find out more of what motivates her. I say give it to her for now and give her a month to prove herself to us before we make it official.

Post Date: 5th Mar, 2017 - 11:03pm / Post ID: #

Icon's Pathfinder Kingmaker 2: Rivers Run Red
A Friend

Icon's Pathfinder Kingmaker 2: Rivers Run Red Archive Pathfinder / D&D

"Ah, okay - I see. So we do not actually need to claim that land for the barony at all just yet. We can get away with just deeding it to you for now. That actually saves us some resources. Outstanding!"

Chuckling, I correct Kresnik, "Chosen of Sarenrae. Mykael and Akiros are the ones that worship Iomedae. I'm inclined to believe the divine emissary claim. Her cat looks a lot like a wingless version of the silvanshees I can summon. Perhaps it just has not transcended yet… Or she could just be a spellcaster with a familiar. It acts more intelligent than a typical house cat from what I have seen."

"Whatever we do, we should not hold off for too long. If we do not give whoever fills the role ample time to perform their duties, we will likely continue to see our realm suffer from the post remaining vacant."

Post Date: 5th Mar, 2017 - 11:08pm / Post ID: #

Icon's Pathfinder Kingmaker 2: Rivers Run Red
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Page 59 Red Run Rivers Kingmaker Pathfinder Icons

"Yes That is why I propose she takes the position now as a temporary assignment for at least a month to allow herself to prove herself to us. She seems capable but we have just met her."

Post Date: 5th Mar, 2017 - 11:14pm / Post ID: #

Icon's Pathfinder Kingmaker 2: Rivers Run Red
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Red Run Rivers Kingmaker Pathfinder Icons

Jesla frowns at this discussion. " I have questions about her as well. The repeated mentioning about demons being redeemed is concerning me. We have no idea who she is. At the least she should have to prove herself for a time. This is a sensitive position. She could do great harm to this kingdom. " Jesla eyes them all.

Post Date: 5th Mar, 2017 - 11:18pm / Post ID: #

Icon's Pathfinder Kingmaker 2: Rivers Run Red
A Friend

Icon's Pathfinder Kingmaker 2: Rivers Run Red

"That sounds good Theaton. Just know that if we remove her from the position, it might cause Unrest. Also, as long as the position is unfilled we will continue to suffer issues with Stability."

Attached Image Edited: Diarmadhim on 5th Mar, 2017 - 11:19pm

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Post Date: 5th Mar, 2017 - 11:28pm / Post ID: #

Icon's Pathfinder Kingmaker 2: Rivers Run Red
A Friend

Icon's Pathfinder Kingmaker 2 Rivers Run Red - Page 59

Jesla grins at this. " I wouldn't be too concerned about that my lord. It will be kept under control. Trust me. If need be a tiger will deal with the situation. I have a friend. " She winks.

Attached Image Edited: Kyrroeth on 5th Mar, 2017 - 11:29pm

Post Date: 5th Mar, 2017 - 11:30pm / Post ID: #

Icon's Pathfinder Kingmaker 2: Rivers Run Red
A Friend

Icon's Pathfinder Kingmaker 2 Rivers Run Red D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 59

"Yes I am aware of this but I believe she will do the job very well as we get to know her. Thus there should not be any worries of removal I believe.".

Yes annexing that tractor land as Theatons barony will be helpful to all.

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