"Shiny grey… Gold ore is actually gold in color and I am sure Oleg would likely refer to it as such. Hmm.... Question - where do you get the gold ore and where did you get this shiny grey ore? Are they from the same place, or different locations?"
"While I appreciate your offer, I do not want to take advantage of you. Until we know what the ore is, I would be loath to accidentally give you an unfair trade for it." After a moment's pause I inquire, "How much ore did you give Oleg, and what exactly did he give you in return?"
Out of Character: I'm going to attempt a Knowledge Dungeoneering check to determine the type of ore. According to the PFSRD it's a DC 10 to identify a mineral, stone, or metal. Since I don't have any points, it's an untrained skill check. Luckily, untrained Knowledge checks are allowed on anything up to DC 10! So my fingers are crossed :D.
Archival begins suspecting it's actually silver ore and Kresnik confirms that it has 2-5% purity with sulfur and lead mixed in. Your gold mine site would be about 20 miles northwest of here.
Mikmek replies, "I've taken three backpacks full of rocks. Not an easy task. In return he gave me enough shoes for everyone, 5 bottles of alcohol, and two furry skins."
Theaton addresses Mikmek and the chief, "You will be able to trade the shiney rocks with us. We will give you trade credit for them for food, and other items to help you and your people survive. I ask you to monitor the underground for us and keep other evil doers from coming underground to cause issues."
Out of Character: Yes Theaton will spend the night once the negotiations are complete.
"It seems we have found a second mine, outside of the gold one you spoke of earlier Theaton." With a nod I turn to address Chief Sootscale, "From now on please have your men bring them to Freehold. We are closer to you than the trading post and will give you a fair trade value. Follow the river to the Southwest and you will find us located where the Shrike River meets Lake Tuskwater. After defeating the Stag Lord I took his fort and we are building our settlement around it. Jesla, when we return tomorrow, please assist Theaton and Kesten with alerting the populace and our guardsmen that we have a friendship with the Sootscale tribe. They are to be treated with the same respect each individual would want to be treated with."
Turning back to the party I continue, "When we return tomorrow we should finish up our council meeting and ensure that we are on track for completing our tasks for this month."
I will spend the evening visiting with and befriending the tribe's leaders and members before going to bed.
Jesla is standing there patiently. Hearing Archival's orders in regards to the Sootscale tribe she nods. " Yes, my lord it will be done as you command. " She continues to stay on alert due to not being a trusting person. The young barbarian will speak to the kobolds if they speak to her but won't initiate conversation. As the talks wind down and people go their separate ways she approaches Theaton. Speaking softly she asks " Theaton, you know these kobolds much more than I do. Should we set a watch tonight just in case? " She looks to him as she awaits his answer.