So much depends upon the group you are with. My story was a specific instance. Then you have just general groups where you deal with sexist people. One group I joined was at a local store. The Dungeon Master was the store owner. His girlfriend was a player in the game. I would try to have input and his girlfriend just dismissed me. Of course he went along with her. This is very much a social game and a bad group can ruin the experience as others have shared. The goal should be for everyone to have fun, not be a jerk.
Truth be told, I've only been playing since the launch of 5e. I was always in to "Nerdy" things like medieval fantasy novels and Magic: The Gathering (Finally got out of that after 16 years…) but never got into Dungeons & Dragons. Then I started seeing all the new re-launch of the franchise and this edition at my local game store and I told my wife that I thought we should try it out as the store would be participating in Adventurer's League.
After playing with a group at the store for a few months, my wife and I discovered we loved playing the game and that we were actually pretty good at it (If one can be "Good" at playing Dungeons & Dragons ). We were eventually invited to play in a private homebrew game by one of the Dungeon Masters at the store. We played for a few months in this pretty interesting, though at some times convoluted, story. I played a dragonborn vengeance paladin of Bahamut named Darigaaz (At the time I named all of my PCs after Magic characters, (Laugh)).
What eventually lead to my worst playing experience thus far, and actually lead to the dissolution of the group, was that my character had a cursed sword. It turned out that a sword my dragonborn paladin found many sessions earlier was basically like a "Horcrux" of Tiamat and it eventually possessed my character. This was not so bad as it seemed pretty interesting story wise, but almost immediately everyone else began to try to kill my character.
Not a single time in the entire length we had been playing this campaign had my paladin (Lawful good) done anything to remotely make the other players' characters think that my character was anything but possessed, especially with what he was doing. Buy instead of trying to help my character most of the players just wanted to use this as an excuse to kill off my paladin who they felt was "Holding them back" in some instances because of my alignment. There had been previous issues in the game where the Dungeon Master had to actually intervene on my behalf to back me up on my character's actions, but now here was the group's opportunity to get rid of me basically given to them by the Dungeon Master as there was not really a save or anything against the possession as it was merely meant to be temporary.
Long story short, the group killed my character off even after it became very apparent that he was no longer acting on his own volition and even when they had the chance to revive my character after the battle, they let him die. It was pretty infuriating to say the least…
That's rather in poor taste. I've always found the clashing that can be caused by paladins to be good RP fuel. And on the one occasion I was an evil character working with a pally, I had an excellent time getting away with stuff under his nose.
None of it justifies actively trying to get rid of another character.
Some people just despise paladins. Most of the people I have played with don't like them. The conflict caused by having this in the party is great for roleplay as you said Daishain. Some players are just really immature and don't wish to deal with that.