"We, Amillë, we will get here as soon as possible" Fay says seriously.
Later, after hearing the warning from his Grandmother he looks at Lia. "What is this Eldreth Veluuthra of which we speak? Is't possible this group is allied with those we seek?"
The apparent leader of the wererats is dispatched quite easily. You do not find signs of any other threats in the area. In a warren like this, you cannot be absolutely certain you got them all, but at the very least, they have been scattered and severely weakened.
Velon finds a few minor magic items among the valuables, but nothing of immediate practical use to one of his profession. They could, of course, all be sold rather than returned.
Both Velon and Poljen were bitten during the second fight, Poljen never develops symptoms, but Velon begins to show signs of the initial stages of lycanthropy. A few days of preventative treatment however, and he is declared cured. It does however take the Sorcerer a few weeks before he stops reflexively twitching his nose.
Lorelei says in response to Fay's query, "They're an embarrassment to our kind, we don't like speaking of them if it can be avoided. Like your grandfather, they blame humans and many of the other young races for the plight of the elves. Unlike your grandfather, they don't react with words. They have started several wars in efforts to thin the numbers of other races. Even the elven gods have forsaken them now."
Out of Character: Fay would know the name is elvish and translates to "Victorious Blade of the People". An elf wearing their symbol was among those who assaulted Greenest's east gate, he was killed there. Later on, just after Fay joined the group, Lia recognized the symbol and told the group about it.
Lia looks at Fay and then decides to speak. " They might not be all allied with our enemies but we must assume that some are. The elf that I told you about at the siege that was in this group. . He teleported in to our tower we were defending. He took a little fall and didn't end well. " Lia looks to her mother. " It is just sickening that some of our people are doing this. It is embarrassing aa you said Nanette. " Edited: Kyrroeth on 4th Jul, 2017 - 5:12am
Fay is thoughtful for a minute, "What drives otherwise goodly folk into an alliance with evil?" He looks at his mother, "AmillĂ«, we have tarried over long. Mayhaps 'tis time for our return." He embraces his grandmother, "My life is more now that I have found thee," he tells her. "Please let me Grandfather know I shan't give up on him and one day hope to know him… and ye better."
Cratol tells the sergeant. Then now is the time to strike. Lets see about silencing the sentries and then dealing with the rest. Cratol will lead them closer in hopes that the archers can take out the sentries.
Did not know if short or long bows so sent short bow damage.
Lia shakes her head. " Ionneg, hate blinds some to everything. That's the only reason I can see. Yes, it is past time to return. We must see what kind of trouble the group has gotten into in our absence. "
She walks to her mother. " I will miss you Annette. We will talk again soon. I hope that you are right about father. I love you Annette. " She hugs her tightly again and walks a short distance away to give Fay space to say goodbye. While she is waiting she will use sending to let Velon know that they have visited with her parents. (To Velon.) " Arrived at home. Great visit with mother. Father refuses to talk to us. Asked us to leave. On way back now. " Edited: Kyrroeth on 4th Jul, 2017 - 5:20pm