"I shall think on this matter Amillë and decide how to proceed. Though it may make little difference if the enemy breaks the barrier and enters herein. If we survive through the eve, set sight upon the sun, and break this siege I shall likely ask thee to be my spokesperson to open this conversation. I will then present my case as I have to you, mayhaps with some diplomatic changes here and anon. But let us all survive this siege ere we worry about who gives orders to whom or to what group I may or mayn't belong."
Then I look at her wryly, "Methinks meh stubborn streak comes from more than just sire. Thee kept faith all these years looking for me. Twas not the action of one without a streak of the stubborn in her as well, neh? I am either doubly blessed or doubly cursed in this regards. I shall take it as a boon as I know not when to give up and that means I try till I win through."
"Now, hast thee seen Onwen? I have items to show him."
Out of Character: : I am moving this conversation here since it may take a few posts for Poljen and Fay.
In Character: :
As the group sets out, Fay once more speaks to Mari, then walks to the front of the column where Poljen strides along. The barbarian is shaking his head. Before the bard can even begin to discuss tactics, Poljen says, "Typical nobleman, not listening to sound advice. Only caring about your own wishes and desires." He drops a meaty hand on the bard's shoulder, grips firmly and slightly increases his speed, giving them some distance from the others.
"Do you not use that big brain for anything other than making songs that do not rhyme? Listen to me carefully. You once more just acted like a noble whose only interaction with people of lesser means is to give them orders. I advised you to give her space. Show her your character, not tell her. Then you were, um, bear with me, con-dee-sending? Yes, that's the word. She asked you to leave off, and you did not. Do you not get it?" He sighs and continues.
"She is barely out of her childhood. You have no idea if her family is alive or dead, and maybe she does not know either. Last night she was saved from being ravaged by those savages. The last thing she needs is some fellow trying to bed her." He pauses then says, "If I had to guess, from her first reaction to your attempts to woo her, she probably once was led on by some fellow with a silver tongue, likely a noble himself, who used her then left her behind. Now I think you a decent man, and I don't think you mean her harm. But you could easily cause it without meaning to, eh? Give her space and time. We are now tracking down villains who at the least have killed some of her friends. We don't need people fighting within the group. Or worried about feelings and broken hearts and so forth." He thinks then adds one last comment. "If you think my words have any merit, ask your mother to deliver an apology and vow to heed her request to not pursue her. If you mean well, and show her your true character, she will come around. She already knows you are interested. Leave it at that for now, okay? Now I have spoken more than I normally do in three days. Let me have it… "
Fay listens. There are two or three times he prepares to cut the big man off, but doesn't. Once, when he Poljen said condescending, Fay nearly yelled, but held back. "Calm yerself Fay" he thinks to himself, "This man means you no harm. He is trying to help." He sucks in his words and listens. When Poljen is finished, he looks at him with a scowl on his face. Then he lets his scowl drop and simply looks at him. "Yes, I'm Noble, I'm the bastard son of nobleman who thought his mother abandoned him. Most of meh life I've gotten what I want, mostly because my brothers and sisters felt sorry fer me. Do ye have any idea what this is like? Yes, this is Fay feeling sorrow for himself and yes, I know everyone has their burdens in life. You counsel me to leave Mari be? I tell you, this I cannot do. Do not ask me why, for I have no answers for you. I do not know meself. But I also say I will ease back on the bowstring."
Then Fay thinks for a bit longer, "Do ye know what maddens me more than being wrong? Having it shown to me. This ye have done. Thank ye" he says grudgingly, with a wry smile on his face. "You are right, she knows meh feelings. You are also right, as much as we went through, she went through more. She mayn't be ready for… this. But where you are wrong is my desire to simply bed her. Tis more than that and I know not why. Mayhaps finding my mother has… opened up feelings and possibilities I knew not were there, or even possible. But bedding her is not me aim. Fer the first time in meh life methinks I found a woman I want to woo… to spend time with, to learn, to… know. So, I will ease off but I will not leave her be entirely. I want her not to misunderstand me intentions if I leave her be. She will know, but nothing more."
Then Fay sucks in a deep breath to relieve some stress, "Do ye understand? If so, mayhaps you could explain to me for I am not sure I understand me own words, actions, or even feelings."
Poljen grins at Fay. "I do not doubt you mean well, Fay. Just keep thinking of things from her point of view, yes? Remember, your intentions are not important. Her wishes and desires are. Once again I recommend you simply show her your character. If you wish to say anything, simply tell her you understand and will respect her wishes. But that you will also keep an eye out on her, and stand ready to answer questions and help if she needs any. And you're welcome for my words of wisdom. In repayment, all I ask is when I do something obviously unwise, you do the same for me as I have for you. Like many, I can offer good advice, yet do not heed my own."
"... Developed feelings for. If it be not painfully obvious already, I speak of the Lady Mari. Tis passingly strange, since I know this Lady for no time at all. Yet, there it is. When we danced it felt… right. Tis hard to explain. It happens so fast. I be reminded of stories pa told me about you and he. He said when he saw thee he knew, it happened in the blink of an eye he would tell me. He said, like a bolt of lightning… perhaps thee understands that now after the other night" Fay says with a bit of a grin. "Did your feelings bloom as quickly?"
Fay takes a deep breath, gathers his thoughts and continues, "Amillë, I am not naïve when it comes to women, I have had me share. But this, this feeling is new to me. Poljen gave me advice… " Here Fay relates all that Poljen said. "... And I trust his advice. But I am torn. I know I must take her feelings into account. But I pray she knows how I feel and I fear if I back off she will think I lose interest… and this be not the case. I... For once in me life my tongue be tied all in knots. I know not what else to say. This is when a son needs a mother's advice like no time else. What say thee M'lady Amillë?"
Lia listens intently as Fay pours out his heart to her. Her eyes glaze over for a moment as he speaks of his father. She looks at him with compassion in her eyes. " Ionneg, I do know of what you speak. I did feel the same with your father. Love at first sight can and does happen. I'm concerned about Mari though. We know nothing of her. You can't throw yourself blindly at her. We need to know more about her. I don't wish for you to be with someone that would be bad for you. Your feelings for her have mainly to do with looks right now. You need to know what she is like inside. "
Lia pauses as she thinks about how to say this. " I can't believe I'm saying this but Poljen is right. He has more upstairs than what I thought. " She laughs." If you don't back off you will most likely drive her away. Respect her space. She probably has been ill treated by a nobleman in the past. Show her that you are different. My advice will hopefully help solve all the issues we have discussed. Tell her one time how you feel. Then let her know that you aren't pressing the issue. Make sure she knows that you will respect her wishes. Then become her friend. You will really get to know her then. All lasting romances have a basis in friendship. Build that friendship as a foundation. She will know how you feel about her. Mari will be able to learn what type of person that you are. Let her make the next move. Maybe she will wish to stay friends with you. She might want to take it to the next level. It's up to her though. Mari has been through some horrible experiences lately. Bring her along slowly. I will try to get to know her better as well. Not just anyone is good enough for my Ionneg. " She smiles lovingly at Fay and hugs him. Edited: Kyrroeth on 9th May, 2017 - 4:25pm
Fay smiles back, "Aye, I see the wisdom in your words Amillë. Mari knows methinks. And now I shall honor her wishes. Friends we shall be, for now. And if this be her wish to remain simply friends, then such it is. But thing more I should say, though grounded in her looks, for quite appealing they are to me, me feelings go deeper. Now, I have one to find… "
Fay goes and finds Poljen and slaps him on the back, "Your advice was sound good sir. I be stubborn and oft times it takes time for me to see wisdom. This you should know in the event I one day join the Blaze. Tis a weakness and not alone."