Daishain's D&D 5e: Side Stories - Page 22 of 54

Lia nods grimly. " We were heading to - Page 22 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 5th Jul, 2017 - 6:24pm

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Post Date: 5th Jul, 2017 - 3:07pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's D&D 5e: Side Stories
A Friend

Daishain's D&D 5e: Side Stories - Page 22

Fay looks at Lia, "No Amillë, I could not bear the thought of hurting thee. I understand why you offer this and I understand Velon accepting it, it does make the group stronger. But I do not like it. Nor, do I think I would accept this if a lady I did not even know made the offer, but mayhaps that is just me upbringing. Still, thee knows I will use this opportunity to needle Velon… 'tis what I do."

Thinking on the matter of the Halflings Fay says, "Let us at least do the preliminary examination if it takes us not out of the way too far. Methinks catoblepas this be not. From all I can remember they be creatures of the bogs and swamps… and this be not that. If indeed it happened as feared the danger should have passed. But we should be very careful indeed in case there be any lingering danger. Mayhaps we can tell who or what did this dastardly deed and inform the group.

Out of Character: Edited with information from Daishain's last post.

Attached Image Edited: Abnninja on 5th Jul, 2017 - 3:30pm

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Post Date: 5th Jul, 2017 - 3:16pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's D&D 5e: Side Stories
A Friend

Stories Side e Dragons and Dungeons Daishains

Cratol's men cheer him on even as they get started on the hard labor of hauling out the orcish bodies and the detritus left by their habitation here.

Back in Arabel, Baron Cale seems reinvigorated by the news. "Well done boy, you've secured our family's future. I hereby name you heir to my title."

"That stated, I unfortunately cannot ignore the fact that you have no training in statecraft. I intend to ask a trusted friend of mine to act as regent until your twentieth nameday. He will teach you everything you need to know. As will I, in what time I have remaining. Do you understand why this is necessary?"

Fay doesn't recall much more about the nature of catoblepas either, but every incident he recalls occurred within or near swamplands. The Misty Forest cannot be described as such.

Attached Image Edited: daishain on 5th Jul, 2017 - 3:16pm

Post Date: 5th Jul, 2017 - 3:29pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's D&D 5e: Side Stories
A Friend

Daishain's D&D 5e: Side Stories Archive Pathfinder / D&D

Cratol nods, "Yes I can understand and I think your trust in me is not misplaced. I will do all I can to learn and be a good heir to you and our family. I did ask the Stewart to cut off those of our family that could not raise a muscle to help in clearing out the keep. They do not deserve to be supported by the family. I look forward to talking with the person you set as regent."

Post Date: 5th Jul, 2017 - 4:28pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's D&D 5e: Side Stories
A Friend

Page 22 Stories Side e Dragons and Dungeons Daishains

Lia nods. " If you don't wish to wear this ring then I understand. Let us investigate and possibly bring justice for the poor halflings. I will stay aloft and watch for any enemies. If trouble doesc erupt take cover. There might be some lightning bolts striking below. I've had no practice with this wand so I make no guarantees of accuracy. " She laughs then soars upwards on her broom with her shield in her left hand and wand in her right. Lia will fly high above them as they advance to hopefully give them advance warning.

Post Date: 5th Jul, 2017 - 4:40pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's D&D 5e: Side Stories
A Friend

Stories Side e Dragons and Dungeons Daishains

"Do not be so hasty to dismiss your cousins Cratol. They may lack your courage and fighting prowess, and I must admit to more than a little disappointment in their lack of action that night, but that does not make them useless. And above all else, they are still bloodkin. Only betrayal can end that tie."

The next month passes quickly for Cratol, the slow process of restoring Redcliffe is begun, and its people begin trickling back in.

There is some quiet grumbling among the family over the naming of an unknown adolescent as the heir, but none can deny the actions Cratol has taken, nor the logic behind the Baron's decision. Soon enough, they warm up to Cratol, welcoming him as kin.

The Baron's word on their nature proves true as they turn to help in their own way. A rather bookish woman by the name of Almir proves rather adept in assisting the steward, helping keep the town's limited finances and supplies categorized and in order. Another repairs the keep's still and begins to produce various spirits, much needed after the hard days of work. Finally, it is Cratol's oldest cousin Aubert that leads the first trade wagons full of iron ore to market, returning with much needed funds and newly renegotiated supply contracts.

Baron Cale moves back into the keep after a few weeks. He seems to be in considerably better spirits and health now that he is home. Not long afterwards, he shows Cratol another part of his legacy.

A statue of a human woman holding a staff and wearing windswept robes is in the hall of the keep. The Baron meets Cratol there, alone, and says, "This is Alisma, known as the Stormcaller. It was she who earned the rights to this land and established our line, nearly four hundred years ago. A secret that should only be known to the Baron and his heir is that the staff is not decorative. It is hers, and still possesses some of the weatherworking magic she employed in life. If there is need for its power, grip the haft, and ask Alisma to lend you her strength. The statue will release the staff only for one of her blood. I have only ever had reason to use it to calm storms rather than call them, but I suspect that you will need its full power sooner or later."

Fay and Lia divert to the village. They aren't alone when they arrive, a number of elves bearing the regalia of King Melendrach, the ruler of this area, are picking it over.

There is a yellowish mist pervading the area,gathering in low hollows in the ground. The elves are all wearing goggles, have bound thick cloths around their lower face, and are regularly exiting the area to breathe fresh air.

Attached Image Edited: daishain on 5th Jul, 2017 - 6:04pm

Post Date: 5th Jul, 2017 - 4:48pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's D&D 5e: Side Stories
A Friend

Daishain's D&D 5e: Side Stories

Lia alights next to Fay. She studies the mist curiously. " Ionneg, any idea what is causing this or what it is? " She tries to think whether she has heard of something similar to this in the past.

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Post Date: 5th Jul, 2017 - 6:08pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's D&D 5e: Side Stories
A Friend

Daishain's D&D 5e Side Stories - Page 22

Ones of the elves approaches Fay and Lia, advising them to remain clear. He explains the mist is left over after the exhalations of a Green Dragon, though it is not yet clear what purpose the attack was for.

Post Date: 5th Jul, 2017 - 6:24pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's D&D 5e: Side Stories
A Friend

Daishain's D&D 5e Side Stories D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 22

Lia nods grimly. " We were heading to Baldur's gate when we heard about this. Those poor halflings. The rumor mentioned a dragon but rumors can't always be trusted. Any idea how large this dragon was? My son and I have some experience dealing with dragons. Is there anything that we can do to help? This cannot be allowed to go unpunished. "

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