Frowning with irritation she shakes her head." The easiest way to stop the misuse of healing resources is to warn people and then don't heal them unless they are knocked unconscious. We don't have an unlimited healing capacity. With a group this size it is impossible to spread our healing all around and still be effective. ".
Lia thanks for a moment about Cratol." I have noticed that myself regarding him. He was never that outgoing before but since we have returned he is practically a hermit. He rarely if ever interacts with anyone in the group. With some of the very questionable things that he has done in the past I feel we must watch him as we watch the others that are unproven." Edited: Kyrroeth on 6th Feb, 2018 - 1:29am
After Perry finishes his breakfast with Lawrance and Taz, he heads back to his room to clean up, get dressed, and prepare for the day’s mission. Upon arriving, Perry stands in front of the full-body mirror.
“Hmm, maybe I have time for a little practice,” Perry ponders. He then puts on the Hat of Disguise and transforms into a more well-groomed version of Velon in his armor.
“In the name of Bahamut, I command thee evil-doer to halt!” Velon shouts dramatically. “Hmm, no that’s a bit too much,” he says in a disappointed tone. “You have committed crimes against Faerun and her people, what say you in your defense?” Velon questions sternly. “No, no, too cliche.”
Then, Velon suddenly transforms into Poljen. “Greetings friend! I am Poljen, Son of Bels!” Poljen says, letting out a hearty laugh. “Wait, was it Son of Bels or maybe… Son of Dels? Bah!” Poljen looks frustrated. “You are not worthy, young Periwinkle!”
Then, Poljen suddenly transforms into a version of Lia in a purple dress that leaves little to the imagination. It’s then that Perry feels an overwhelming sense of dread, as if a divine bolt were ready to strike him at any moment. He feels a bit uneasy as sweat pours down his brow. “That one… might be a bit too advanced for now…” Lia shudders.
Lia transforms back into Perry. “That’s enough for now! I need to get ready for my big day!”. Edited: seath on 6th Feb, 2018 - 2:27am
"Yes, him. What did Nikolaos even say in that song to upset him? I'll admit, I had a bit of ale that night, so, ah, I'm not too sure."
"With his erratic behavior I recently wondered if he was actively working against us, but decided no, I could not think of a way he has actually prevented the group from being successful. I worry he will do something rash that costs us all dearly, however. He took off and cleared a whole floor of the castle while we rested without saying a word to anyone! We were all being very careful before that, so doing so without warning is not at all acceptable to me. It made me think back to before we entered the cultist's cave where he wandered off and actually engaged them without warning. Ah, and I, the red fool, praised him for being a man of action." He sighs.
"Lia, the problem with the healing is that Cratol keeps running into danger and getting knocked out cold or almost mortally wounded. I believe we had to revive him, what, four or five times in taking the castle alone? It takes the focus off of the task at hand. He won't listen to tactics and he REFUSES to even carry a bow! What happens when we are attacked by a dragon in flight? Will he take supper while the rest of us fight?" Velon's friends can see his is becoming quite frustrated by the subject now, but he takes a moment to breath.
"I have thought on it but don't have the heart to tell Nikolaos not to heal him. I certainly don't want him to die! He fights hard for us, he fights well, and he has been generous with welcoming us to his home and with his coin to the benefit of our group. I think he is loyal, although he could hardly blame us for questioning his behavior lately, one would think."
"I know it is my job to speak to him, but I have thought about it a lot and I fear I don't know how. I don't even feel like I have a relationship with the boy. He seems eager to speak on behalf of the group when we meet strangers, announcing himself as a Baron and everything, but will not speak to us! It is very strange indeed. At least he delivered the message from Chasorth thoroughly, it would seem. What would you have me say to him? What would you expect to actually change after the fact?"
As she shakes her head raven tresses sway back and forth." This is really vexing. He has always been like that. I don't know if he is even capable of change at this point. He is stubborn to a fault and can't be told anything. I don't know what you could say to him to correct the problem."
She places her index finger on her pursed lips as she thinks." I wouldn't say anything to him or Nikolaos. I'm not going to waste precious healing energy healing him for no reason. I will give him no healing until he drops if he is acting foolishly. Reviving him won't take away from healing you two and others if necessary. After the battle I will tell him why I acted as I did. Sometimes someone needs to be shown instead of told something. If Niko wishes to be his own personal healer then that is on him. I will concentrate on keeping the two of you standing." Edited: Kyrroeth on 6th Feb, 2018 - 1:17pm
Perry finds some time while traversing the ancient tomb to pull Velon aside.
“Hey Velon, got a sec? During the fight against those ghosts, you used sound to power strikes with your hammer. How did you do that? Can you show me it again?” Perry asks earnestly.
"Hi Perry, oh, ah, um, .... Sure, I guess?" Velon looks confused for a second but gathers himself. He then suddenly get's wide eyed and raises his hammer quickly, about to cleave at Perry. "Ha, just kidding bud."
"Ok, seriously now, what you need to do is, first, move your hands like this." He makes an intricate hand gesture with the fingers on his hand behind his shield. "Then, you must memorize this incantation. 'There she was, the apple of my eye. The site made me want to raise hue and cry. For surely she had stolen her beauty directly from Sune, despite that the goddess was hidden in the Gates of the Moon. Though instead I decided I wanted her for myself, this, the most beautiful of any wood elf.' "
He shoots a quick glance in Lia's direction but is able to resist revealing a smirk, and keeps a straight face staring at Perry. "So go ahead, try it."
Perry listens to Velon intently as he pulls out his small notebook where he keeps his various poems and songs recorded and begins writing hastily. “Mhmm, yes, yes. I think I’ve got it all down,” Perry says earnestly.
Perry pulls out his rapier and focuses on it. Then he recites,
There she was, the apple of my eye,
The sight made me want to raise hue and cry,
For surely she had stolen her beauty directly from Sune,
Despite that the goddess was hidden in the Gates of the Moon.
Though instead I decided I wanted her for myself,
This, the most beautiful of any wood elf.'
And nothing happens.
“Aww man, did I do it wrong? Are you sure those are the words? The meter seems off on line 4…” Perry complains to Velon.
He seems upset. Edited: seath on 16th Feb, 2018 - 9:50pm
Velon bursts out laughing, probably a bit too loud for searching a dungeon full of devils and cultists, but he can't help it. He slaps Perry on the back a bit harder than Perry might like, but then puts his arm around the tiefling. "Ah, Master Perry, you got me on that last part! I am no bard. I got you too though, as am also no wizard, and I do not know a single incantation! I know many here will find shocking. Perhaps you shouldn't tell them! Ha! You see, I am not a learned man, although a good friend and priest did finally teach me to read at this old age of mine and I find that words and language do interest me some. Perhaps you could teach me a little more, eh?" The paladin starts to realize he's having too much fun and is prattling on too much.
"Anyhow, the spell, yes, yes. So, um, yeah, what I do see, is I can feel their magic in my blood, and I can call upon it and can manipulate it. Perhaps you can see the energy swirl around me from time to time when I am doing so. I just kind of, ah, will it to happen, I guess? Anyhow, there's one key. When I first began using such spells, a little voice in the back of my head told me what to do. I think it is the influence of the great dragon Glorfindel, or perhaps Bahamut himself. The voice told me the word I must speak to use the powers. For this spell, I simply mutter the draconic word 'nar' and attack. I don't even have to say it loudly. You'd think it would mean thunder or something of the sort, but it really just means 'strike'. Perhaps you could say strike, or a different word, I'm not too sure. I'm not even sure where your, ah, magic, actually comes from, Perry…? "
Out of Character: . Old age = Velon is in his 20's, but still learned to read later than many. I tried to look up a draconic word for 'thunder' or something via online skyrim translators and such but didn't find anything, so 'nar' as a translation for 'strike' that I found will have to do. Edited: Cinder on 16th Feb, 2018 - 10:31pm