Yes, Poljen will do some work for folks what need rescuing. He'd love to go tangle with orc raiders, or trolls or ogres or giants or something relatively straightforward. And if some grateful farmer's daughters wish to show their appreciation, well, it would be rude to refuse such a generous offer.
Sounds correct to me, Daishain. Little study on Velon's part too, etc. As mentioned. More knowledge of Tiamat, dragons, Thay, Red Wizards, etc. Can't hurt.
Back to the time with Lia:
Velon slips the matching ring over his pinky. "That works! I can't imagine the coin I'd need to buy a ring truly worthy of both you and Sune! Can you point me to the nearest dragon and his treasure trove, to start?"
"I still am not sure I know Mari well. I'll tell you what, I'll be sure to get to know her better while you are gone, eh? Poljen will likely be fine. I gather he is sticking around too so I'm sure we'll get into some trouble together."
"Yes, from the little you've told me I can't imagine you are looking forward to your trip. Not your idea, I assume. We come from very different backgrounds, Lia, but it seems you have not had it any easier than I in the end. We are both very fortunate to be where we are now, I think. Don't let your family get you too down, if possible, as you have found Fay and have a whole family here. Many here would fall in battle to protect you, or make you laugh when that is just as important. I wish you the best on the trip. Please, contact me if you ever need help. Perhaps I could convince the raging barbarian to come help, too. Will you message me once or twice on your trip to let us know you are ok? What spell do you use for that? Do I need to know it too?"
Poljen missed out then as Cratol may be going out to tangle with a few Orcs or others that over took his birth home it may seem. *laugh* That is ok He has some stuff he needs to deal with too and this time being by himself may help him. He will be 17 by the time he gets back.
Lia and Fay: The route north of Baldur's Gate is quite dangerous, and so you signed on with one of the massive 50+ wagon caravans that form at that city. Each merchant involved brings a handful of hired guards along, and all together the group fields a small army to fend off the hobgoblins, occasional hill giant, and other such threats. Passage with such groups can be expensive, but offering your services along the way would more than pay for it.
Ultimately, the journey is quiet, and eventually, When the caravan reaches Daggerford, you leave them, and set out east to the city of Secomber. From there, you cross a river, and set off north along a lightly used trail towards the High Forest. Lia's home near the village of Selvahil lies along its western edge.
Cratol: The journey east goes rather swiftly, the roads are good, and particularly well patrolled given recent events. Soon enough, Cratol crosses into Cormyr, and then finds himself standing outside of Arabel. Cormyr has long been a haven of law and morals beset by groups with little of either, its people and cities reflect this. Arabel is well fortified, and the men on its walls are led by the famous Purple Knights, elite warriors of this nation known for their martial discipline.
The hospital is fairly easy for the monk to find, any of the locals can point to the grand structure on the skyline, it being among the taller buildings in the city. Supposedly, Cratol's Great Uncle is in there.
Poljen, Velon, and Mari: Its getting frankly rather boring back in Baldur's Gate without your companions. Eventually, a contract pops up that could be fun. A gang of wererats have been noticed along the docks They've mostly just been robbing people, but a few have been bitten and cursed already
Out of Character: Fay and Lia, Are you just showing up, or have you notified them of your return? Still haven't heard for sure what Geoffroy is up to. Something about studying elsewhere perhaps? For all, going to keep these storylines relatively abstract, we do have a main plot to get back to.
Velon would take the job but would look for ways to cure the curses first. He REALLY doesn't want to fight a cursed Poljen, and wants to be able to help the rest. He probably find out that there's a 3rd level spell to remove curses, but he cannot learn it. Perhaps he'd specifically ask Geoffroy to come help and prepare the spell for the day?
Finding a bit about 3.5 gems online…
M64 Crystal of life drinking, least Heal 1 damage every time you damage a living creature, up to 10 damage per day 400
M64 Crystal of arcane steel, least +1 on weapon damage roll when delivering spell via melee attack 500
M64 Crystal of energy assault, least +1 point of specific energy damage to attack 600
*M64 Crystal of life drinking, lesser Heal 3 damage every time you damage a living creature, up to 30 damage per day 1,500
*M64 Crystal of energy assault, lesser +1d6 points of specific energy damage to attack 3,000
There's some cool stuff. Their costs get expensive quick; rightly so. Poljen's seems to be a solid one at 3kGP.
Any thoughts on the starred healing one, or maybe a +1 to hit crystal variant vs. Most of them being damage related?
Edited: Cinder on 30th Jun, 2017 - 5:29pm