Having skills in knowledge is always good as I am sure you will be spending time in the library when you are not out exploring. While most of the items in the library tend to talk about a different world you can still learn some tidbits that can come in useful to all.
I get that, of course I will be able to do a lot of studying in the library to learn more about the world. Though to consider the options I do have, that may not be so clear cut. When taking the Knowledge domain, yes to perhaps offering me a small bonus? I mean it would make sense would it? In how the domain provides the Knowledges as class skills and the Bard does already have such as default, there is that overlap.
Also, apart from the spells divination, true seeing, discern location, foresight all the others are already on the Bard's spell list and I don't believe I can even take the two highest level spells. Hmm, which admittedly leads me to wonder if the Knowledge domain is even worth taking or completely redundant. On whether or not I should consider other domains.
I'll be honest that I'm just trying to get some Knowledge related benefit out of this, since I am giving up both Bardic Knowledge and Obscure Lore. More, I wouldn't be getting much in return, at least not by way of the Knowledge Domain. Edited: Thomaslee on 30th Jun, 2017 - 2:52pm
The knowledge of the area will come with experience. Think of a frontier that no one has been to before. No one knows the area or what is in the area or the surrounding area. The knowledge of the area is just not available by any means besides experiencing it. Thus you will get some great knowledge - local by the experiences you have. I would say do not worry so much about knowledge but focus on something else entirely. Think of a domain that you may want that can help everyone.
Character Stats
Neutral Good.
Strength: 17(+3) Dexterity:14(+2) CON:15 (+2) INT: 15 (+2) Wisdom: 10 Charisma: 13 (+1)
Size: Medium, slim athletic build.
Height: 5'7"
Weight:200 lb
Skin: Tan
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond straight hair, no beard.
Armor Class: 18 = 10+5 (Chainmail) +1 (Light wooden shield.) +2 (Dexterity)
Touch AC:12
Initiative modifier: +2= +2 (Dexterity)
Fortitude save: +4 = 2 (Base) +2 (Constitution)
Reflex save: +2=(Base) +2 (Dexterity)
Will save: no modifier.
Attack (Handheld): +4=1 (Base) +3 (Strength)
Attack (Unarmed): +4=1 (Base) +3 (Strength)
Attack (Missile): +3=1 (Base) +2 (Dexterity)
Grapple check: +4=1 (Base) +3 (Strength)
Light load: 86 lb or less
Medium load: 87-173 lb
Heavy load: 174-260lb.
Lift over head: 260lb.
Lift off ground:520 lb.
Push or drag: 1300lb.
Languages: Common Elven, Gnoll, Goblin.
Special Abilities: Immune to magical sleep.
+2 racial bonus on saves vs enchantments.
Low-light vision.
+1 racial bonus on listen,search,and spot checks.
Diplomacy: +1 (Half-Elf)
Gather information: +2 (Half-Elf)
Listen: +1 (Half-Elf)
Search: +2 (Half-Elf)
Spot: +1 (Half-Elf)
Climb: +2
Jump: +2
Move Silently: +1
Rivoril had an Elf father named Althidon, and a human mother named Cathrin. Althidon was killed in battle when his Elven clan was attacked by Gnoll marauders. Rivoril felt isolated and alone, not welcomed by his fathers Elven clan. He developed a passion for defending the oppressed and low caste in society. This passion encouraged by his mother, he became more comfortable living with the humans. As a result he devoted more time to swordsmanship as opposed to the magical arts.The human village in which he grew to love, was attacked by Goblins, his mother was captured, to this day he doesn't know if she is still alive. A band of Elven folk attacked the Goblins, and routed them. An Elven huntress impressed by Rivorils strength, and combat skills grew fond of him, and accepted him into her clan.
If you are interested in becoming a character on this game you will need to post a history of YOU. This is not a randomly rolled Character but this is a character that will be YOU as a human. Your stats will be voted on and assigned by the other characters in the game based on your life. Please see the rules on page one to understand this game.
This is my human character that I will play as myself in the game 3.5 Dungeons & Dragons .
The character is a human Rogue, with a neutral alignment.
Strength: 15
Dexterity: 17
CON: 14
INT: 13
Wisdom: 10
Charisma: 12
This character earned a living as a skilled proficient Locksmith. Served an apprenticeship with his father. Unfortunately his father went far away on a dangerous quest never to return. He got involved in a Thieving guild, because of his skills. But due to a failed heist, his gang of Thieves were caught. However he escaped,rescued by a rival gang. When he refused to work for them, they killed his mother. He became cut off from the brotherhood, and forced to live alone as a fugitive.
Anron, the theme behind this particular game is that the character begins as a close approximation of YOU, the real human sitting behind that computer monitor.
He'll gain new skills on entering this new world, but his history and his basic abilities will be yours.
If this still interests you, begin by describing yourself.
If it does not, Kn's other game is just waiting on you to random roll your stats in that character creation thread. Edited: daishain on 10th Sep, 2017 - 10:51am
I believe I already have "Rolled" up the stats for that other character as it is in "Editing" status. The character sheet "Rivoril" it appears to be on another, or different link (Not here).