To generate the ability scores, you describe your physical attributes as best and as honestly as you can. Then everyone else judges their best estimation of a number for those scores.
Take a look at the process Gknightbc went through for an example.
No, you cannot switch Rivoril over to this game, but so long as you have time to play both, nothing is stopping you from playing both. Edited: daishain on 20th Oct, 2017 - 10:52am
If you have questions for this game read the first post. It explains it well there if you still have questions ask. If you want to be part of this game that is fine but you will have to be honest with your self when you write the story of your life for the other players to discuss your ability scores.
Looks like we have another character that will be joining us soon. She is working on her charcter sheet right now so I have placed her sheet in the edit mode. Hopefully she will be posting in here so you all can work on her ability scores.
Hello everyone! I am getting the details of my character sheet done. I hope I can join the Party/group soon.
Greetings, in case you missed it, one of the interesting components of this game is that your stats are based on your assessment of yourself, and will be generated by consensus of your fellow players.
To get started there, describe yourself in terms of the six attributes as honestly as you can. Scroll down a bit on page 21 to see Gknightbc's example.
You also ought to consider your class. It ought to reflect you somehow. Rachel feels close to nature and became a Druid, I like building things and so became an artificer. There are a lot of obscure classes available, so don't be afraid to ask for suggestions. Edited: daishain on 26th Oct, 2017 - 7:34pm
I am stronger than what my 5' 3" frame looks like it could handle. I do have some trouble lifting heavy objects over my head; think it a lack of exercise of the arms that is the cause more so than the fact of my age.
I have raised three children to full adulthood; 2 girls and 1 boy. Their ages are 30 & 27 for my girls and 29 for my boy. My two girls are married and the youngest has 2 of her own, a girl and a boy; ages 2 &1. I didn't do much work much until my youngest was in 1st grade. I worked in a Thrift Shop for a few hours a day then became part time once she was in school full time. I did work in an Office for a time doing AR so have some knowledge of numbers… which made we want to attend College..again..had gone for a time after graduating HS. Walking in snow up to mid calf with the wind in your face the entire way will make you very discouraged about going.
I have a love of Nature and the birds, plants and even some insects and like to do Micro photography as a hobby. I've been told by several people I should publish some of my work, I've yet to do so. I do believe this comes from a love of Art that I've had since middle school. My older brother taught me some things about it as he was learning from a after school group through the local College during our elementary school years. I did so some painting for a time, all I've really done is trade a canvas for a camera lens :)
As for as of any type of work I've done, other than what I mentioned above, I've done mostly Retail type jobs, the only exception would the one and half years pushed wheelchairs at an International Airport in Iowa. I am not employed at this time but hope to find work soon… unemployment benefits only last so long.... *sigh*
I am familiar with MS Office and the freeware version Open Office. I have used both the Word processor and Spreadsheet programs as well as the Presentation program. I play the Facebook game, Castle Age and was at one time the Guild Master for the guild I was in at the time. As GM I would keep track of members stats in the Spreadsheet Program which I created. I also used the same program to log the Mini Library my husband and I had gathered over the 25+ yrs of our marriage.
It was on Facebook that I was introduced to Dungeons & Dragons 3.5: the Role Playing Game. I enjoyed it a lot. It was in that group that I learned there was an Online version of the game. I had to join it. * wink at KN* and now I find this group and here I am. If there is anything I've not placed here that would help, just let me know and I will answer to the best of my knowledge.
[By The Way]- I'm 53 yrs old.
Even at my age, I look better than the average person; so thinking a Charisma of 12.
Dexterity: 13-14 since I am somewhat flexible even now..:)
I don't get sick much so Constitution: 10-11
My Intelligence: maybe 13-14
Wisdom: 11-12
Strength: 10-11
Not sure what I want to be right now, so any suggestions are welcome *smile*.