"Greetings, I have found two in fact. Rachel, this is Grant, as to the lady over here, she hasn't quite gotten to her name yet, but we did just meet."
"Guys, this is Rachel, another from Earth, and the lady who orders Ghost around." I point to Thomas, "Blondie over there would be Thomas, the last member of our little crew, not sure why he's being shy at the moment."
"In any case, we're a team. We work together, share resources, and support one another. We're trying to find a way home, and in the meantime we're doing some good around here. Lord Douglas has been good to us, and the task he has asked in return is worthwhile."
I curtsy to them." My lord, my lady. Welcome to The Dungeon and Dragon Experience. It is quite the spectacle." I smile at them." Seriously, I know that it is a huge shock to you. We know exactly what y'all are going through. Anything that we can help with, just let us know. My advice is to take things slowly. It is a huge adjustment and this world can kill you quite easily." I scratch Ghost behind his ears." Don't worry about Ghost. He won't do anything that I don't tell him to do. When we go on a patrol he does all the work and I'm along for the ride basically. I'm not exactly an amazing warrior." I laugh.
I eye, Ghost and give a small smile. "He is a beautiful animal", I say to Rachel. I then realize that I've not told anyone my name.."Forgive me for not introducing myself, I'm Vickie."
"Yes, it was a bit of a shock arriving here and from what Grant tells me, I have another to look forward to."
I smile at Vickie." Thank you. It is nice to have another woman here. Another person with some sense." I laugh." Yes, as to that matter all I can say is don't worry about it. It isn't painful and is actually quite amazing. There is no way to predict when you will gain your powers. Until you do you are very vulnerable here. You would be a peasant npc level one basically until you receive your powers. That's the easiest way for me to explain it. I'm sorry to speak in gaming terms but you will do it as well after you have been here longer." Edited: Kyrroeth on 1st Nov, 2017 - 1:56pm
“Gaming terms work well, considering we are all the experienced in those terms. I do have say that your ally is an amazing being, to finally have the privilege to see a Dire Wolf in person!” Between bites, he relates his past history, adding “as I see it, we have two paths overall- follow through with whatever the God that brought us here wants and then get home, or figure out the method and do it ourselves. Either way, we’re here for awhile.” With a sigh, I push my plate away, wiping my face, and softly speak “I’m sorry, it’s all starting to really hit me that I won’t be seeing my family for what could be forever. Where can I clean up and get some rest?”.
Since I was now in the room with the others, perhaps having never left deep in my own thoughts and in consideration of different ideas or wonderings, I will look up and see in surprise as at the crowded dining hall with all there, and feel a bit sheepish for losing track of time.
Noticing the two newcomers, and with the others conversing with them, I will walk to where Jason and Rachel are with those that I did not know. Smiling, I offering a flourish and bow before saying, "My apologizes for my distraction, I didn't realize so much was going on." I consider Grant and Vikkie.
Deciding it important to introduce myself, I say, "My name is Thomas, as I suspect the others may have told you. I'm the party bard of the group, though I at first thought divinely influenced. Now though, I'm not sure who or what has empowered me."
Pausing, I will ask, "What is your names, and any idea what you have been given coming here?" Edited: Thomaslee on 1st Nov, 2017 - 3:39pm
"Speak for yourself on it being painless Rachel, I got friggen tazed into unconsciousness and woke up with mild argyria." I press the skin on my hand a bit to make the slight grey-blue undertone more obvious. "Fortunately having just a little too much mithril in my system has turned out to be as harmless as the silver induced equivalent. If anything its made me a little tougher. Vickie, I don't think anyone can really speak for what is coming. Everyone's experience has been different. What I can reasonably predict however is that the experience will leave you more capable. More ready to survive, adapt, and thrive in this strange new world. It is there to help you, and there is no reason to fear it."
"Also, there might have been some physical changes, I don't know how old you two are, and I'm not going to ask, but you two both strike me as mentally being a little more experienced than you look. I suggest finding a mirror at some point."
When grant asks after places to rest, I point, "There's a suite of four guest rooms available for our use in the tower over yonder. Rachel, had you intended to sleep in your grove tonight? If not, I'd already planned on running out to check Dennis' place for his gear shortly, I could always just stay out there. People doubling up is not the worst thing in the world, but I figure these two could use space, at least for their first night, and I'd rather not inflict my snoring on Thomas." Edited: daishain on 1st Nov, 2017 - 4:30pm
"In all honesty, I might keep you up with my snoring," I counter, with a chuckle though my smile was more rueful as I continue, "I always did intend to get tested to see if I have sleep apnea, though I never had the chance. Sometimes it feels like I get up at least five times during the night, with a dry throat in the morning from sleeping with my mouth open." Edited: Thomaslee on 1st Nov, 2017 - 3:45pm