"Please don't try to prove that Grant. The first of us to arrive here, Rachel, Dennis, and I, put ourselves through weeks of physical training and basic combat drills before we had any hostile contact. We still ended up with serious injuries going up against the goblins."
"By all means, help where you can, but let Ghost and Rachel do their work, at least for this first outing. They're quite the team in any case."
Before we enter the caves, I'll take out two small red cloths and fiddle with them for a while, muttering. Then I hold them up for the newcomers to see.
"Speaking of injuries, if someone goes down, requires immediate medical assistance, and for some reason healing isn't otherwise available, grab one of these. You simply place it on the wound, and will it to activate. Anyone can do it. It is a weak effect, so it likely won't get someone back on their feet, but it will stop someone from bleeding out. Here Vickie, go ahead and tuck this one into your belt where it can be reached."
"I am also carrying a scroll of cure light wounds, one of enlarge person, and one Fox's Cunning. Just so you know and if they're needed." Edited: daishain on 13th Nov, 2017 - 4:56am
I study Grant momentarily." This is much different than playing the game. I can't stress that enough. After playing Dungeons & Dragons for a long time and at higher levels goblins sound like a joke. Trust me, they aren't. And they are the least of what we will face here. You aren't a level 6 warrior. Do you remember what it is like starting a game out at level 1? That's what you are facing. You are one good blow away from being felled by a goblin. I hope I don't sound harsh. Please don't underestimate any of these beings. I was captured by goblins when we all got seperated before. That wasn't a pleasant experience." Anger flashes in her eyes.
Out of Character: : Something bad is bound to happen now. . Our rolls were horrible. I had two 1's, 2, 3 and a 6. That's incredibly bad. :(. Edited: Kyrroeth on 13th Nov, 2017 - 1:05pm
You head down the North East corridor. Like before you follow it a long ways until you come to a T intersection. Left or right?
Out of Character: Even with bad rolls you have been in here before and nothing much has changed that you can tell.
When we arrive in the in the sink hole before we heading down the tunnel. I take a brief look around to gather what information I can from the area other than what Jason has told me.
I look at Jason and give a slight smile, "I will not need this, but will hold on to it for the others in the party for ease of access."