Will follow the "Leader" and go onward while I continue to keep an eye out for anything strange.
I laugh, before saying, "Hey, come now. David Bowie was a talented artist and singer. Labyrinth is a very enjoyable and the nostalgic movie for me. Also, the Dark Crystal is also a favorite for me." I have a smile on my face, considering those movies. I will continue looking around, keeping alert for danger. Edited: Thomaslee on 18th Nov, 2017 - 5:24am
While a smile, I take out my lute and begin playing Dance Magic as best as memory would allow. The music softly echoing in the tunnel, and I hope this little moment won't cause the party issues.
Out of Character: : Its guitar technically, but it works I feel. Also I feel the cord work is not without flaw or error, also fitting given how I'd be playing by sound alone and memory.