Putting up the crossbow, I'll get off of Morgenstern. "Don't worry about Ghost there. I wouldn't try petting him right away, but he's not liable to hurt you unless you try something with Rachel."
I indicate a young woman nearby, if Johnathan looks closer he may see that her features are unusually delicate, and her ears are pointed, "Here's the short version, except for Qwantithalica here, we're all from Earth. We don't know what dragged us here, and we don't know for sure why. This world is beautiful, wondrous, and at the same time dangerous. It also as Grant implies bears a striking resemblance to the world of Dungeons & Dragons, which seems particularly significant since we're all players of the same."
"Okay, immediate concerns. Shelter, safety, and supplies are nearby, a small castle's worth of it for that matter. I suggest that we head back to the stronghold, we can explain more on the way."
"My name is Jason by the way." Edited: daishain on 21st Dec, 2017 - 3:41am
I tell Jonathan that I too have not been on this world long and as Jason has pointed out, this world is dangerous as it is beautiful. He may notice my features maybe a bit off..like the brightness of my eyes and the slight muscles in my arms and legs. I tell him, "My name is Vickie"
Putting down his arms, Jonathan took the offered hand and shook it. The man was similarly built to himself, but in the armor he definitely commanded more respect than he must have at the moment looking all puffy and blue. At least his outfit matched. That was when certain things dawned on him. His hair wasn't receding and his beard was full like he'd used to wear it. This had to be a dream, or maybe he'd slipped on a patch of ice he didn't see. "Right, I'm in a game?"
I look to the others, "So far as we can tell, it would be more accurate to say that you're in an alternate dimension that resembles a particular game in several respects. In theory, in a multiverse of infinite possibilities, there have to be some that resemble various games we have on earth. I can certainly think of worse possibilities. Imagine being dumped into a universe resembling the Resident Evil series."
"In any case, we're pretty sure some of our number have gone home. At the least, they disappeared under mysterious circumstances, but magic appears to confirm they are not in this universe, either living or dead."
"Unfortunately, if there is a means to go back deliberately, we don't know it. The guy who owns the castle over yonder is the last one around from Earth that we know of, he's been here for decades."
"Here's what you can expect. Sometime, probably in the next day or two, you'll get hit with what we've started calling an awakening. The exact experience has been unique for each of us, so I can't tell you what it will be like. I can however tell you what it does. Its essentially a major info dump, granting various skills and knowledge, potentially the ability to use magic, and perhaps a few other things." Edited: daishain on 21st Dec, 2017 - 4:45am
“Yes, whatever entity brings us here seems to tailor our physical forms into something useful for its purposes, usually complementing our own innate skills. In my case, a very dramatic enhancement of my own Jack of trades talents from home, adding increased learning ability and small magical manipulation. It’s a bit overwhelming, but incredible to feel the world open up on so many levels! They are Gods and Godesses here, demons and angels, everything that we used to pretend to deal with while playing, but the injuries and deaths are utterly real here, too.”.
"Let's say the jury is still out on that one, though this place does have its perks. I can say that most of us feel that we've found more purpose here than we had on Earth."
"I won't lie though, there is more pain as well. We've all had to kill to survive, something most of us had never done before coming here. The night before last, we lost a young man in combat. An elf of this world, with what should have been long centuries before him."
I will also offer my greeting, being fairly tall at 5' 11", with blonde hair and from what I have been told bright blue eyes that stand out to many who have met me. I am fairly heavy set, though since travel to this world did decreased my age not as much as I was.
Smiling, I offer a hand before saying, "Greetings, my name is Thomas. As it was offered, we were brought over and given a role, skills, and powers taken from what we possessed innately to some degree. Myself, I've always been more of a bookworm with a focus on stories and knowledge. This making me something of a bard in Dungeons & Dragons terms, though originally I had thought my religious side may have been expressed in being divinely empowered… Though now I am not so sure, I may seek after such later." Edited: Thomaslee on 21st Dec, 2017 - 8:06am