Making sure to attend every regular meal that the keep holds in the dining room, I keep attempting to find any of the mages or alchemists to engage with, wanting to create some basic chemical items of my own to use in our adventures. Failing to find anyone, I will just enjoy each meal as it comes and relax until I am needed.
Kelvin and I spend the rest of the day together, walking around the area and chatting. We have dinner together and go for another walk afterwards, taking me up into on of the towers. I can see the vastness of the land and forest beyond; it is breathtaking view. We chat more while we are there and he tells me of a dream he hopes to one day do. As the second sun begins to set, he walks me back to my room. He kisses me goodnight and after getting ready for sleep, I climb into bed for a night's rest.
Late in the evening, enjoying a mild buzz along with my companion's presence, I'll turn to Thalica, "Fairly soon, I'll have a place I can call my own, if not exclusively so. When it is ready, I would like for you to join me in living there, if that is your desire."
"Whatever else happens, know that I will care for you, as best as I can, for as long as I can."
"Well, looks like I'm still here," Jonathan said to himself. He'd heard motion throughout the night, but since he only knew a handful of people to this point, he didn't bother to see who it was. After trying to find him way around, it occurred to him that he could sketch a rudimentary map of the place, but common sense told him to check with his new companions before doing so. You never know what could offend those in charge as evident by that Thomas guy's predicament. The best chance to meet people was at meals and from the smell of things, something was cooking somewhere so he packed a small bag and prepared to move out.
I yawn and stretch." No matter the world, mornings are still horrible." I smile and make myself presentable for the day." Lets go get some breakfast Ghost." He yawns as well. We head out for the dining hall. I notice the wind and smile. Hopefully there will be a storm today. I've always loved them.
Finding Jonathan as he starts hunting around the guest quarters in the direction of the dining hall, I'll greet him, "Good morning, you still look a little lost. I can't blame you, it took us all time to adjust. Get some breakfast, but don't go too far please, the group has a few things to discuss this morning."
As soon as I can get everyone together in a relatively private location, I'll start spreading out the magic items.
"That box of holding proved to be a major haul."
I explain the function of each item to everyone. "For everyone's sake, these ought to go to the people most able to use them. My initial suggestions are that the club would be good for Rachel. The Strength enhancing belt and the vampiric ring should also go to someone on the front line. One to Jonathan and one to Grant would be my initial thought."
"The cloak of shelter is more of a party utility item than something personal. I think it might appeal to Grant, but it almost doesn't matter who carries it."
"Then there's the displacement robe, the ring of protection, and the leather armor. Anyone can benefit from these. Thomas and Rachel already have good armor, so I would suggest that others have first pick there. Of the three, the robe is far and away the most potent, so bear that in mind."
"And finally there's the Ring of Sustenance. Aside from eliminating the wielder's need for food and water, it reduces the need for sleep by three quarters. Given how much I've been running around of late, I would like to express particular interest in that one for the sake of the latter function. It won't make me a better fighter, but it just might help me start to catch up on my todo list. Sleep has been a loathed enemy of mine for most of my life anyways, being able to beat it back a bit would be nice."
"But, yeah, those are my initial thoughts. If anyone has any particular requests or suggestions, this would be a good time to air them."
"I should also note that while I'd rather forestall the possibility of hard feelings by spreading items out, giving several complementary items to one person is also a viable strategy. One person with the club, and the belt, and the vampiric ring along with the displacement cloak would be a very effective offensive agent, and the rest of us could act in support."
Out of Character: Loot list: +3 club with adamantine bands, +4 belt of Giant's Strength, Robe of Minor Displacement (20% miss chance for incoming attacks), Cloak of Shelter (Becomes a tent at will, or a "Small lodge" 1/day), Ring of Vampiric Regeneration (50% of melee damage inflicted by wielder heals said wielder), Ring of Protection +2, +3 Leather Armor, Ring of Sustenance. Kntoran actually put down a "Ring of Substance" for that last one, but I can't find one of those, so I'm assuming till informed otherwise that that's a mistake on autocorrect's part. Edited: daishain on 27th Dec, 2017 - 4:08am