Smoke issuing from the burnt edges of my clothing as I pat out the sparks, I stand back up, pulling out my sword. Rushing over to the nearest orc climbing over the edge, I slash down and try to discourage its advance. “Time to see if the magic is as good as advertised. “.
"Get the lord back into the fight if you can, he's our best shot."
I'll head for the largest concentration of orcs on the wall or threatening to make it up there, pulling out one of my scrolls. Once there, I'll hit them with a cone of coruscating light, hoping to take down as many as I can.
Then I'll retreat again, letting the guards fill in, and look for the next problem spot.
Out of Character: DC 15 Will negates. Everyone should still be conscious after that fireball, though disabled in Vickie and Jonathan's case, the former of which appears to have forgotten to update HP.
Jonathan wasn't prepared for the concussive blasts and after Shield back into him and threw him into the wall. Laying there on top of the rampart crawling out of everyone's way easy on me thought in his head besides the pain.
I move over to Jonathan and kneel down. Placing my hand on his shoulder I summon healing energies again. He feels a surge of warmth entering his body. After seeing that he is no longer disabled I will call Ghost over." Lets go below Ghost." We will head down to aid the lord in any way that we can.
Out of Character: : Rachel cast cure light wounds on Jonathan. Edited: Kyrroeth on 29th Dec, 2017 - 1:52pm
As the Orcs gain the walls and start to come over the mage still on the wall casts another fireball into those still on the ground before the walls. The two large men on the ground ready themselves as the lord stands up ready for more combat. As the Orcs come down at them they go into action as the commander keeps them away from the mage. The two allow one to get through to attack the lord who take it out quickly. You will see his wounds heal some. Over by the party members a half elf in full plate is taking on any orcs that come you way allowing the guards on the walls to continue to focus on the orcs outside the walls. The dragon comes around again breathing fire once again on those outside the walls killing a lot more in the fire. You can see there is a end to the horde now. But there are still a lot of orcs out there. While some of the guards are down there is still a good amount on the walls and you still hear the occasional thump of the ballista firing. Those on the ground have the people staying away from the fight as the lords two big body guards cut down any orcs coming down into the stronghold while an occasional orc gets to the lord just to be cut down. As more and more get to them the more the lord is healed and even more of a issue to the orcs. Not being surrounded by orcs you can see he is a killing machine as well are the two body guards.
Putting the shield strap back in place over the burns hurt like hell, but considering the situation, Jonathan did everything he could to ignore the pain looked for people to help with his sword. He may not have any real sword skills yet, but having numbers always helps. Spying Grant, he moved to cover his flank and thrust at whatever orc came over the wall. When his arm thrust forward with more force than he'd been prepared for, it was both a source of pain from the burns, but also a reminder of the assist he was getting from the belt."Behind you, don't swing on me." He shouted to Grant as a warning.
During the midst of battle Jonathan falls to the ground as he loses consciousnesses. During this time he sees a white knight in glowing armor come to him and teach him the things he needs to know to be a Crusader. The Glowing knight tells him of the way to be great and a powerful knight. He takes your sword from your hand and runs a stone along it. "This sword is now blessed with the blood of Bahamut. May you seek out evil in all forms and slay them in his name." The sword has no magical properties but as long as it remains in your hands you get a +1 to hit and damage. You remain unconscious on the walls for the next fifteen minutes as this information is fed into you. To Jonathan it seems like a day.
As I lay there feeling the heat of the fireball, then I feel a different type of heat; which is making me feel better. I still lay there feeling a bit weak just also feeling stronger as the time passes.
Out of Character: Yeah, looks like I did at that. I'm still learning this type of Dungeons & Dragons play. I'm getting better though *smile*
Let's see if the die will be good to me this time.... .*laugh*.