As the clean up begins you will see that only four guards were killed in the whole of the fight. The Lord and Commander talk for a while as does the two mages. They estimate the Orc horde numbered somewhere around 2,000 orcs. The people that were in the stronghold for safety start to head back towards their farms with their livestock to once again provide for the stronghold and the safety it promotes.
I look around, amazed at the outcome. For so few to have been lost in the face of such unyielding chaos…
I'll help as I can, where I can, quickly getting Morgenstern fitted to a cart or whatever else I can find to haul away bodies and debris.
I'll speak with the others as we work, trying to keep my mind off of all the death, "A lack of warning was the big flaw here, there could have been a lot more lost in the rush to get inside. I'm going to suggest that the stronghold acts to install a series of tall watch towers in position to watch for things such as this. A curtain wall sturdy enough to slow down a charge would also be good."
"The main question with the former I think is signaling. A simple fire would serve as a warning day and night. We could also use a flag system for more complex messages."
"If we can get our generators up, we could also set up Telegraph wires. I don't suppose anyone knows enough Morse code to copy it here?" Edited: daishain on 30th Dec, 2017 - 5:01pm
One of the guards tells you that there is not enough people or guards here yet to put in a watch tower. It would not be worth it. The southern tower can see over the area as does the others and that is why they are always manned day and night with a elf that can see farther out. That is why we had the warning we did.
"Normally I would say, hey, aren't we going out there to escort them back to their farms to make sure there are none left, then I remember, they have a dragon. Nothing short of a new concerted effort will breach these walls, "Jonathan said. "But I'd still like to check the tracks in the woodlands to see which way they came from. Does anyone know why they attacked? Seems like someone tricked them into attacking here."
I take the opportunity while the gates are open to take my horse for a quick ride to where I dropped in to look for my coffee mug, I spent as long as I could looking around before risking insulting the lord for being late before returning. Washing up quickly I spray some body spray before heading in.
Edited per Dungeon Master. Edited: fatebringer on 31st Dec, 2017 - 4:58am
I see Kelvin and go to where he is. I give him a hug once I see he is OK. I tell him I was a little worried he might of gotten hurt, but glad he was not. Upon hearing Lord Douglas say that people should go get food, Kelvin escorts me into the dining hall. We each get a plate of food and find a table to sit and eat.