" It seems we need a diversion to draw them out. I could cast a electricity ray at the Intersection and see if that draw them to us. What do you think Jason, Grant, Jonathan..any one else? "
I'll say quietly. "Right, that answers that, is everyone ready? If so, charge to the left when the smoke goes up."
If people answer in the affirmative, I'll trigger the wall of smoke so it covers the right hand and move up to help provide fire support for the others.
Out of Character: Kn, Grant had a readied action to dodge back at the sight of trouble, that ought to at least have given him a chance to avoid incoming fire.
SRD Wall of Smoke Source 5q DC 15 Fort save.
Oh, also, Thanks to Jonathan's stance, everyone who makes a charge attack, Ghost included, adds +2 to the damage right now.
Edited: daishain on 24th Jan, 2018 - 6:05pm
I grimace at this. Still hurting badly from the arrows I summon more healing energy." Ill do the best I can. I'm not very fast at the moment."
Out of Character: : It's really bad timing to be unable to run or charge. :(.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 24th Jan, 2018 - 6:04pm
Grunting at the impact of the arrows, I pull back and regroup with the rest. "So, they have been waiting, ready, for over half an hour? We must be getting watched somehow."
Gulping down a potion (If needed), I let the healing wash though me and get ready to charge in.
Out of Character: Yes I took that into consideration. All they had to do was release and yes they were watching for any movement. His head came in their view before he could see them.
In Game: You cast wall of smoke on the right hand side and charge the left. As you come around the corner arrows come at the front ranks. Ghost is hit for 6 damage and Grant is hit for 5. Even though they can not see through the smoke they can hear you and the ones on the right start to fire blindly through the smoke. Jason is hit for 4 damage and one of the elf children are hit for 6.
Edited: KNtoran on 24th Jan, 2018 - 11:19pm
Yelling, I start firing at the Hobgoblins I can see, hoping to help end this swiftly. Beside me, Thalica does much the same.
Out of Character: Wall of smoke will end after round three, it would be best if we can have mostly dealt with those on the left by then. Rachel and Jonathan, don't forget the bonuses from Bane.
Edited: daishain on 25th Jan, 2018 - 2:03am
Charging into the bowmen, I draw my sword in a flash and sweep it upwards into the leading hobgoblin, attempting to slice it wide in retaliation. "Time to eat steel, brutes!"
Specific Action: Iajitsu strike, adding 10-14 =1d6, 15-19 =2d6, 20-24 =3d6 to first hit, and adding inspiration to first three successful hits. As each opponent goes down, moving onto next.