Grant you will find some reference of temporal spells in the wish, limited with and time stops but it will take a lot more research to see if there is any other mentions of time effecting spells.
Travis you can look up all kinds of plants and even some look similar to what you found but nothing is a exact match. You feel that the plant you found could possibly be used as a tea.
Travis, decides that he will make a tea, from the herbs. But he will first prepare a zero level Cleric, detect poison spell. Determine first if drink is poisonous, if not then slowly sip the hot infused herbal tea.
Specific Action: First prepare detect poison spell, Second have prepared cure light wounds spell.
Third, infuse the herbs in boiling water.
After having done that, test the drink with detect poison. If yes, write down effects, do not drink and store liquid in a bottle.
If not then ingest the drink, record results.
If getting notably sick then, cure light wounds on self. Wisdom DC check and Apothecary check, to determine poison (If any). A couple of rounds, included here. Cure light wounds on adverse side effects(Self).
I will see of requesting time in the library, to study and research, as well train with the guard a bit to begin the nessessary work of getting more in shape and be ready in a fight.
I will suspect such efforts in the latter will lead to embarrassment at first, though I won't give up as I could use the extra exercise. Helped I feel by no longer having the distraction of technology, the internet, and entertainment in general… As well employment for basic needs.
Despite this though, I will still make myself useful and offer to help out where I can. Edited: Thomaslee on 3rd May, 2018 - 6:45am
Travis you can describe the plant and its effects as you drink the tea after no poison is detected you find it has a calming effect on you. You feel that if dried it could be more potent on calming nerves.
Anyone wanting to learn a new language just make sure you deduct the funds from party funds and then add them to your character sheet. The days are nice and everything is calm at the stronghold area.
Taking advantage of the down time and availability of the mages, I will try to buy time to learn Sylvan (Dryad), Goblin, and Orcish. (If available today) The jumble of languages suddenly available to me make me a bit scattered when talking to people for a day or two, but I enjoy the increased knowledge. Afterwards, I'll use the new language skills to help me do more research in the library for more details on time travel spells and effects.
Out of Character: : Jason, if you check the wishlist, I've got the Enchanted Pouch and MW shuriken on the list. Is this possible to do at least the pouch when you have the bandwidth? It needs MW weapons to work fully. This would give +2 thrown weapons with returning. Edited: Gknightbc on 3rd May, 2018 - 7:24pm
Out of Character: The pouch magic item specifically mentions that it enhances any thrown weapon taken from the pouch with a +1 and returning property. I think this would make the MW weapon only a total of +1 magical actually. This can be daggers or shuriken and I just like shuriken for the style *smile*.
Enchanted Pouch Edited: Gknightbc on 3rd May, 2018 - 7:31pm
You have to further enhance it to make the thrown weapons come back to it. For an additional 2,000 gp. Plus the extra spell needed to make it a returning weapon. The thrown weapon teleports back into the pouch. While I have no issue with the pack at a +1 I will double check what is needed to make the returning part.
Upon further research the magic needed to make it a returning is level 5 so you would not have that at this time. Faint psychoportation; ML 5th; Craft Psionic Arms and Armor, psionic dimension door; Price +1 bonus. Edited: KNtoran on 3rd May, 2018 - 8:53pm