"As disheartened as I know you all are about this, we need to make a decision on what to do next? Jason, you are the leader here as far as I know. Do we take this info back, try to follow the tracks and try to help the next town or what? I can feel the eyes of Bahamat in the sky looking down up me. I've almost died 3 times so far and still I'm ready to go if you think we can help those guys."
I keep my emotions hidden, my face turned away from the carnage of the village which had been so removed as it had. I do feel empathy for the elves, and yet have difficulty expressing it as I offer my condolences in elvish.
Again, I feel a bit frustrating but I know so little of the world. That my knowledge of Dungeons & Dragons or fantasy in general would be little to no help to me as I remind, "Let's not forget, this one went out follow the rules as we know it for monsters. Whether they be giants or dragons, their size and behavior could be quite different then what we think we know."
"Perhaps it was a spell or magic of sort, as there have been tales of towns or cities lifted from the ground and into the sky with such powers. Yet it could also be some gigantic beast," I offer, again wondering why whoever had given us our powers and abilities wouldn't be able to give of any insight or knowledge of the world we found ourselves in. Edited: Thomaslee on 1st Jun, 2018 - 1:28am
I shake my head, "This happened months ago, whatever danger the next settlement may have been in, it is far too late for us to lend assistance, even if we could stand against this force, which I have extreme doubts about."
"Let's wrap up here and get moving back, I don't think we can do anything else for the moment. I think we need to get the mages at the stronghold working some divination magics, get a better idea of what we're dealing with before we get any closer."
I look at Jason, and nod in agreement; unable to say another word. The devastation around me is to much to bare anymore, the tears once again fall down my cheeks even though I had thought I had myself together.
After conferring and checking out the tracks and area you decide to head back towards the Stronghold to report what all you have found to allow higher levels to maybe advise what may be the next best course. Getting the elf teens down does take a bit more time as they are still in utter shock of what has become of their homeland. Having no home anymore is hard on them.
We'll start the long journey back to the stronghold, considerably more subdued than before.
I'm at a loss as to what to say or do to our elven companions. I had expected death, for this to be a mournful occasion. But for there to not even be anything left… There was no closure here, nothing to help those left behind. Coming here with the youths in tow was a mistake, it would have been better if they had not seen this.
And this mysterious creature that had caused so much destruction… We needed to know more, fast. It definitely needed to be dealt with.
I hold Thalica close on our way back, trying to reassure her.
Out of Character: If I have a decent gauge on the distances involved, Ping should arrive at the stronghold in a bit less than a day, and return with any response made by the lord in a similar time frame.